Representatives of the Sisters of Nazareth.
Individuals who were resident in Nazareth House in Aberdeen, Cardonald, Kilmarnock and Lasswade.
Please note that the names in brackets is a pseudonym of the witness who has chosen to give evidence anonymously.
Tuesday 24 April
Opening submissions
Witness LCO – (Rose)
Jim Buckley
*Witness LBO – (Elizabeth) - the statement of this witness will be read in, in whole or part.
*Witness LCK – (Lucy) - the statement of this witness will be read in, in whole or part.
Wednesday 25 April
Witness LBK - (Christopher)
Witness LBL – (John)
*Witness LCI – (Michael) - the statement of this witness will be read in, in whole or part.
*Witness LCM – (Terence) - the statement of this witness will be read in, in whole or part.
Thursday 26 April
Witness LCN – (John)
Joseph Currie
*Witness LBZ – (Jack) - the statement of this witness will be read in, in whole or part.
Friday 27 April
Witness LBA - (Alan)
Witness LBR – (Jill)
*Witness LCP – (Margaret) - the statement of this witness will be read in, in whole or part.