| Three Years" Jail for Catholic Brother Who Abused Boys, Then Moved on
The Age
April 20, 2018
A Catholic brother who was moved by his order to other schools interstate after he sexually abused students at De La Salle College in Malvern has been jailed for at least three years.
Former De La Salle brother Frank Terrence Keating, 75, was on Friday sentenced to five years and three months in jail for indecently assaulting eight students between 1969 and 1977.
The priest's victims were aged between 11 to 15.
Those crimes mean he has now been jailed for sexually abusing 26 children in total in Victoria and Queensland from the late 1960s to early 1980s.
County Court Judge Gregory Lyon said Keating's "audacious" offending included sexually assaulting one boy in the child's bed, after Keating had been invited to the family home for a dancing night; and molesting another boy during a drive, after which the Catholic brother had a cup of tea with his victim's parents.
Judge Lyon said the De La Salle order knew Keating had abused students before they moved him from Victoria to South Australia and Queensland.
"Your moves to other schools simply facilitated your predatory sexual abuse of children," he said.
"Your order simply moved you on quietly, and you went on quietly with no contrition in regard to those boys."
Keating was aged between 28 and 35 when he abused the eight students while teaching at De La Salle College in Malvern between 1969 and 1977. The boys were aged 11 to 15.
Keating brazenly abused some boys during class while other students were present.
"[One victim] felt helpless as you were his teacher and this was occurring in class," Judge Lyon said.
Another boy was abused under the pretext of Brother Keating adjusting the student's uniform at the front of the classroom.
Keating, who was also a football coach, abused another boy in the change room before and after games.
Judge Lyon said Keating was allowed to continue teaching even though a complaint had been lodged in 1978.
"In the knowledge of that complaint, the order of De La Salle Brothers took no disciplinary action against you."
Instead, De La Salle moved Keating from Victoria to South Australia and Queensland.
Keating served previous jail terms in Victoria and Queensland in the 1980s and 1990s for abusing children.
Police charged him with further offences in Victoria after two former students addressed the child abuse royal commission in 2015.
Keating retrospectively tried to explain his abusive conduct by saying he was "trying to make them feel good".
"Quite Frankly, Mr Keating, I do not believe a word of that," Judge Lyon said.
Keating, who pleaded guilty to 13 counts of indecent assault against a male under 16, has been in custody since December.
He must serve at least three years behind bars before being eligible for parole.