| Cosby Smiles As Andrea Constand Details Alleged Sex Assault
By Emily Saul
Page Six
April 16, 2018
Bill Cosby
Fallen funnyman Bill Cosby appeared amused Monday as prosecutors forced his accuser to again relive that night in 2004 when she claims she was drugged and molested by ?him.
Cosby, 80, kept his eyes closed as Andrea Constand recounted, step-by-step, how her mentor allegedly “touched my breasts, placed his fingers inside my vagina, and placed his hand on my hand, and my hand on his penis.”
Leaning back in his chair, Cosby’s typically expressionless face perked up, and he smiled as Constand, 45, repeated her claims. The incident ostensibly occurred at the TV pioneer’s Cheltenham, Pa., estate in January 2004.
His face remained animated throughout the afternoon — growing wide-eyed at the mention of his own penis, shaking his head as lawyers quibbled and openly chuckling when judge Steven O’Neill allowed a question through, saying “it’s not that leading.”
His renewed attention came after the elderly comedian was seen napping in his chair at the defense table during the lunch break, his head tilted back and his mouth agape.
As lawyers argued about phrasing in the corner, Constand, in a muted peach-toned jacket, closed her own eyes, breathing in and out as she waited. The former Temple University basketball administrator was later released from the stand after nearly two days of questioning.
?In a cringe-worthy moment earlier Monday, the cellphone of lead defense counsel Tom Mesereau went off as he grilled Constand, drawing a menacing look from the judge.
Andrea Constand
O’Neill has ruled the courtroom with an non-negotiable order insisting all phones be off during testimony. Mesereau was not reprimanded in open court for the gaffe.
His civil archrival, women’s rights attorney Gloria Allred, was booted from the courtroom during the first trial last summer, after her phone went off twice in the same day.
Cosby is charged with three counts of aggravated indecent assault for the alleged sex attack, and faces up to 10 years behind bars on each count.
The entertainer came under fire last year during his first trial by openly leering as Constand fully recounted, in graphic detail, her memory of the alleged assault.
That trial ended when a jury was unable to return a verdict.