| Cardinal and the Showman: Pell Barrister Has Been Ruthless in Defence
By Melissa Cunningham & Adam Cooper
The Age
March 30, 2018
From the first day the door of court 22 was opened to the public, the man hired to represent Cardinal George Pell was ruthless in defence of his client.
Barrister Robert Richter, QC, is renowned for his confrontational courtroom tactics and they were on full display as he mercilessly tore into police, advocates for victims of sex abuse and even the magistrate.
Robert Richter QC and Cardinal George Pell arrives at the Melbourne Magistrates Court last week.
Mr Richter is Australia’s foremost criminal defence counsel, known for successfully defending Mick Gatto on the charge of murdering underworld hitman Andrew Veniamin. Mr Gatto later had ‘‘Robert Richter’’ tattooed on his chest.
The QC has represented the dangerous, violent and the deeply disturbed, Hoddle Street massacre killer Julian Knight not least among them.
But Cardinal Pell, the highest-ranking modern-day Catholic to be charged with sexual offences, is Mr Richter ‘s most high-profile client.
Throughout his barrister’s at times fiery questioning of witnesses over the past four weeks, Cardinal Pell maintained an unflinchingly calm demeanour.
He would arrive at the Melbourne’s Magistrate’s Court almost the same time each morning in a white car driven by a friend.
Cardinal Pell would step out, stony-faced, always dressed in the same beige jacket over a simple black shirt, trousers and clerical collar.
Cameras were shoved in his face as police formed a ring around him, the cardinal always ignoring the clamour. The waiting crowds dwindled over the weeks. On the final day of the hearing on Thursday, there were just a handful of supporters clutching placards with pasted on pictures of Jesus and the Virgin Mary.
In the court room, Cardinal Pell spoke rarely, and only then to utter a few quiet words to his lawyers.
His chair would always be pushed out slightly from the bar table and angled so it faced the witness stand.
Behind him, the chairs were filled with journalists and survivors of clerical sexual abuse, including high-profile victim’s advocate Chrissie Foster, whose two daughters were abused by a Catholic priest as children.
Cardinal Pell would sit next to Mr Richter, head bowed as he scrawled into a notepad, only occasionally lifting his gaze when witness testimony seemed to pique his interest.
But he stared intently at award-winning ABC journalist Louise Milligan as she endured an intense cross-examination from Mr Richter about whether she wrote her book, The Rise and Fall of George Pell, in a way that suggested alleged victims were to be believed.
“Did you suggest that they were to be believed?” Mr Richter asked furiously.
“I thought they were believable,” she responded.
During the fiery exchange the journalist was forced to deny a barrage of accusations including that she distorted the truth and poisoned the public’s mind against Cardinal Pell.
“I completely and utterly reject that,” Ms Milligan said.
“Of course you would,” Mr Richter responded.
In another heated day of evidence, Magistrate Belinda Wallington asked Mr Richter to stop shouting at her before she denied his request that she disqualify herself from hearing the case after he accused her of bias towards the prosecution.
Bernard Barrett, a researcher with sex-abuse victims’ support group Broken Rites, also felt Mr Richter’s wrath.
In that exchange, Mr Richter suggested that Broken Rites ‘‘make up’’ accusations against the Catholic Church, and that Dr Barrett provided the cardinal’s name to one accuser during their 2015 correspondence.
Mr Richter suggested to the researcher it would be ‘‘a feather in the cap’’ if Mr Barrett could go to police with the name Pell.
‘‘You wanted to big-note yourself,’’ the lawyer said.
Dr Barrett rejected the suggestions, although he often refused to answer questions directly.
‘‘Disgrace,’’ Mr Richter muttered at one point on that mid-March afternoon, and asked Ms Wallington to ‘‘discipline’’ the witness.
The defence later accused Victoria Police’s Sano Taskforce of running a ‘‘get Pell operation’’.
The investigation into Cardinal Pell, known as Operation Tethering, began in March 2013 before any crime had been reported.
‘‘Operation Tethering, that wasn’t a ‘get Pell’ operation was it?’’ Mr Richter asked.
Detective Superintendent Paul Sheridan who oversaw the operation argued it was an ‘‘intel probe’’ to see whether there were unreported serious crimes.
Under an hours-long cross-examination, Mr Sheridan angled his body and eyes away from Mr Richter, staring directly at the magistrate as he answered each question.
When the hearing began on March 5, several complainants gave evidence over 5 days before a closed court as required by Victorian law in sex offences.
Like Cardinal Pell’s charges, their evidence remains confidential, but over the weeks details of the allegations emerged.
Among the offences, he is accused of sexually assaulting two choir members at Melbourne’s St Patrick’s Cathedral in the late 1990s when he was Archbishop of Melbourne.
He’s also accused of committing sexual offences at a Ballarat pool and inside a cinema during a screening of Close Encounters of the Third Kind in the late 1970s.
A cinema manager said he did not remember ever seeing Pell at the theatre. Choir members and pool attendees also said they had never seen anything untoward.
The outcome of the hearing – to decide whether the cardinal would face trial – will mark a historic moment for the Vatican as it grapples with a global epidemic of sexual abuse, which has resulted in convictions against hundreds of clerics around the word, including Australia.
After four weeks of evidence, cross-examination and media scrutiny Cardinal Pell and the Vatican now face an anxious wait as Ms Wallington decides on the fate of a prince of the Church.