| Australian Catholics Need to Wake up
By Terry Fewtrell
Sydney Morning Herald
March 28, 2018
Australian Catholics are being conned. After all the disgrace of the Royal Commission evidence and its specific and telling recommendations, the response effectively proposed by the Australian Bishops is to call a Plenary Council of the church in Australia in 2020-21. Australia's Catholics seem to be meekly agreeing to what is an unconscionable delay and a fudge. In short, the bishops have us where they want us: corralled and quietened.
In one sense, convening such a forum could be seen as innovative and consultative. Realistically, it downplays the magnitude and urgency of the issues that need to be addressed. Whether the agenda ultimately addresses the main reform issues raised by the Royal Commission is a moot point. Such forums in the Australian church have a habit of being lead down paths that produce platitudinous outcomes and avoid the contentious. More significantly it is openly acknowledged that there is considerable doubt and dispute as to whether such a forum would have the authority to make decisions that address the real issues.
Australian Cardinal George Pell has acknowledged that the Catholic Church "has made enormous mistakes" in allowing thousands of children to be raped and molested by priests over centuries.
The temper of Australian Catholics appears to have moved from outrage to exhausted resignation that change in our church is just too hard. And indeed, it is. Faced with a witheringly perceptive analysis of the problems that contributed to sexual abuse, the bishops give little indication, individually or collectively that they know how to respond. They seem caught between their own, not surprisingly, inadequate skills in managing and leading organisational change and the very real sense that they are beholden to Rome and incapable of acting authentically and in ways that recognise the stark reality of the Australian church's predicament.
But it is not only Catholics who should wake up. Australians generally should be outraged. Despite the damage done across Australia by the institution, the response is to wait and be patient. Australian Catholics need to mobilise the broader Australian community to put pressure on the bishops. Delay is unacceptable. The Catholic community needs to enlist the active support of all Australians in this cause.
There is a stark contrast to be drawn between the response of Australian Catholics to their leaders and that of the young high school students of Florida. These young Americans have called out their leaders. "Do something – make us safe". Australian Catholics can and should do the same but seem too timid. The Florida young people named their leaders as being conflicted and captured. Catholics and all Australians should rightfully make the same charge against our bishops. They are beholden to Rome's interests - not Australia's or the Australian church. They must act, not just push the issues off for two to three years and they must fact the difficult issues.
The current situation in the Australian church has international implications. Seemingly, the Francis pontificate is faltering. If we accept that the Pope would like to reform the church, the kindest thing we can conclude is that he is forced into playing a 'long game'. It is increasingly obvious that he has strident opposition against reform. He also has increasing criticism that his reform agenda has stalled. Respected experts have resigned from his sexual abuse taskforce. Disappointedly he is unable to articulate a clear and strong position on sexual abuse. He seems to be pointing to a more 'synodal' form of church, in which many voices are heard, and a broader and more accurate representation of views contribute to decision making. It is becoming apparent, however, that we can have little confidence that genuine and timely reform will result from his term.
This provides little hope for a reform agenda that includes the removal of clericalism, as so pointedly addressed by the Royal Commissioners. The report and recommendations of the Commission are, in effect, a clinical consulting report on what is wrong with our church and what should happen to help remove the cancer it has developed. It is the nearest thing that we will ever have to a forensic consulting examination of the organisational arrangements of the Catholic Church. As such its recommendations should apply and belong to the worldwide Catholic Church. Ideally Australian Catholics should enlist international support and apply pressure on all bishops. Our bishops have little incentive to highlight the report's international relevance.
Nationally, the key to achieving any progress rests with the bishops. We need at least five or six to break out and express authentic views that reform must happen and start to identify and promote a real reform agenda. There are some tentative signs that some bishops are starting to express original thoughts, for example Vincent Long of Parramatta. But the Catholic community needs to encourage others to speak out and advocate for the adoption of meaningful reforms. It is yearning for them to do so - to set out an agenda that prioritises steps that can be taken now, without waiting for 2020-21. Also, it wants the big issues addressed, including married clergy and women priests. There is a role here for retired bishops to reach out and encourage those now in office to be courageous and authentic, by themselves stepping forward.
This is not just a church matter. This is an Australian issue. The Catholic community wants its church to be respected in the Australian community. It wants its leaders to move beyond the shackles of the past. Australians are a practical people. Australian Catholics are also. We believe in practical solutions and want problems address honestly, not fudged.
Seemingly and sadly, it may require a major dramatic development to focus the bishops on the reality of the church's current situation. One such development would be for some retired Australian bishops to ordain married men and women to the priesthood. There is ample evidence that much of the catholic community would accept such a step. The stalling and dithering of the bishops may yet bring about such a situation.
Such a step would have international ramifications. It could prompt some form of fracture. It might also prompt similar steps in other countries. With a sexual abuse record among the worst in the world, and an exhaustive and fair investigation completed by a Royal Commission that produced a clear set of recommendations, the international church ought to be looking to Australia for a way forward. All Australians, and particularly the Catholic community, should do what they can to shame and pressure the Australian bishops. The first step is to arise from their slumber.