| Abuse Makes Me Ashamed of Church, Says Welby
By Sean O’Neill
The Times
March 21, 2018
The Archbishop of Canterbury, centre, arrives at the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
The Archbishop of Canterbury told a public inquiry he felt ashamed of the Church of England after hearing evidence of abuse and cover-up over many years.
The Most Rev Justin Welby said the lesson of three weeks of hearings at the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse which focused on abuse scandals in the Diocese of Chichester was that continued training and development was needed.
“I’ve learnt to be ashamed again of the church,” said the archbishop. “You can’t read the transcripts, you can’t read the evidence statements without being moved. The church does wonderful, wonderful things across the country and the most stressful job in the church is to be a parish priest. That a minority, a small minority, has betrayed that is horrifying.”