Inhumanity in the Name of Jesus: Catholic Dogma Which Led to the Holocaust also Led to the Cover-Up of Clergy Sex Abuse
March 21, 2018
New book argues that it is the history and magisterium of the Catholic Church which made the Holocaust possible and the cover-up of clergy sex abuse inevitable.
SPRING VALLEY, NEW YORK, USA, March 21, 2018 / -- G.R. Pafumi has released the first of two volumes about sex abuse in the Catholic Church, Inhumanity in the Name of Jesus. Volume I: Pain and Suffering, Aftermath of the Catholic Church’s Belief in its Own Infallibility. With sex abuse accusations against major celebrities and public figures, such as Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer, Pafumi focused on victims abused by Catholic clergy. They paved the way for the #MeToo movement. Victims of Catholic clergy are no longer willing to remain silent about the abuse they suffered, sometimes decades ago. Pope Francis is currently dealing with the fallout from his trip to Chile, where he defended a bishop who covered for a clergy sex offender. The Pope accused the alleged victims of calumny even though he was given an eight-page letter from one of the victims. It seems the Pope lied. Why?
The Catholic Church, including the sex abuse crisis, is not easily understood without a consideration of the Church’s history. The cover-up of sex abuse was inevitable because of the Church's belief in its ecclesiastical infallibility and its long history of unchecked power. The Church believes it is never wrong because it has been guided by the Holy Spirit for nearly 2,000 years ago. The Holy Spirit would not allow the Church or its popes to make errors in its magisterium, i.e. teaching authority. Pafumi asks, “Where was Holy Spirit when the Jews were being persecuted and children sexually molested?” Since the first century, Jews have been identified by the Church as Christ killers. Jewish disdain is manifest in the Apostolic constitution Ineffabilis Deus (Ineffable-indescribable-God), a decree promulgated by Pope Pius IX in 1854. The Virgin Mary was claimed to be conceived without the stain of original sin. Her entire ancestry back to Adam needed to be immaculately conceived, since the Jewish faith is passed along through maternal parentage. By having an immaculately conceived heritage, Mary had no Jewish blood. It appears that the real purpose of this constitution was to de-Jewify Jesus by de-Jewifying his mother and her ancestry.
Since the second century, Church leaders recognized there was abuse of minors. But as recently as 2018, the pope himself became an abuse denier. One way to view the cover-ups of child abuse is unapologetic clericalism. Pope Francis called accusations against a Chilean Bishop [Juan Barros] who covered up sex abuse, “all calumny.” Yet the Pope was given an eight-page letter from a Chilean victim in April 2015, shortly after the elevation of Barros to bishop. Francis steadfastly refused to rescind that appointment despite objections from Chilean clergy. Pope Francis implicitly invoked the medieval concept of privilegium fori, i.e. only the Church can judge itself. Privilegium fori seems to be the reason why there is no mandatory reporting requirement. Clergy supervisors, mainly bishops, are not required by the Church to turn over clergy offenders to the civil authorities unless required by local civil law. The Church would rather protect offenders instead of ridding itself of this cancer, i.e. child molesters in its midst. The promotion of Bishop Barros in Chile clearly shows that this attitude goes all the up to the pope.
The Church opposes sex abuse laws which include a look-back period for victims abused years or decades ago. When Guam enacted legislation in 2016 eliminating the statute of limitations for past sex crimes against children, the Church challenged the constitutionality of the law as a violation of ex-post facto provisions in the U.S. Constitution. The State of New York has failed to pass the Child Victims Act for more than a decade, in part due to lobbying by the Church. Expanding or eliminating the statute of limitations is less about protecting kids from Catholic clergy now and in the future (at least in the developed countries). It is more about making restitution to the people who are still in pain from abuse of decades past.
The Church is still muddled in the Counter-Reformation, which began shortly after the Protestant and Anglican Reformations of the early and mid 16th century. Now the Counter-Reformation is less about fighting the Protestants and more about fighting modernity. The Church's rejection of modernity is clearly seen in its views about birth control, abortion, divorce, and females in the priesthood. The misogyny of the Church and belief in its own infallibility makes it think it can interfere with the right to choose for women who are not even Catholic. The Church’s view in its infallibility limits its ability to change its mind or alter its principles to adopt to changing social mores. It was widely believed that Pope Paul VI would allow women to use birth control after “The Pill” was approved by the FDA in 1960. Instead, Paul VI limited birth control to the “rhythm method” or abstinence. In 1968, Paul VI chose to sustain the precedent set about birth control in an encyclical issued by Pope Pius XI in 1930.
This book will explore the history of the Church from the first century until modern times. It will describe how the marriage of the Christian Church and state in the fourth century changed the course of Western history. This will help the reader understand why the cover-up of clergy abuse of children has become a worldwide phenomenon, where victims are treated as nothing more than collateral damage. Without new legislation and better law enforcement in the developed countries, kids would likely still be abused in large numbers by Catholic clergy. Sadly, they still are being abused in Africa, the Philippines, and other less-developed countries where the Church wields significant influence. Pafumi concludes, "The Church may well be a dinosaur on its way to extinction." Like a dinosaur, it has failed to adapt to a changing environment.