| Priest Quoted Bible during Abuse
By Mindy Aguon
Guam Daily Post
March 15, 2018
BROUILLARD: Louis Brouillard, 96, has been named in dozens of clergy sex abuse cases filed in the local and federal courts of Guam. Photo courtesy of Jeff Anderson & Associates
A former altar boy and Boy Scout alleges he was forced to engage in oral sex with a priest and was told that by doing so he was “one to one with God,” states a lawsuit filed Thursday in the Superior Court.
J.G., 49, who used his initials to protect his identity, filed a civil complaint against the Archdiocese of Agana, the Boy Scouts of America and retired priest Louis Brouillard.
The plaintiff alleges the sexual abuse began when he was 9 and served as an altar boy at San Vicente Ferrer-San Roke Catholic Church in Barrigada where Brouillard served as parish priest and scoutmaster.
The lawsuit states Brouillard would walk around before Mass exposing himself to the altar boys and while in his room would sexually abuse J.G. by rubbing his private parts over his clothing in a sexually suggestive manner and fondle the boy.
The abuse also occurred during outings at the Lonfit River where Brouillard allegedly instructed the boys to swim naked, the lawsuit states. The priest allegedly groped J.G. and others and took pictures of them naked. The lawsuit states Brouillard told the boys they “needed” to do these things to obtain their merit badges.
While on church grounds and during Boy Scout outings, Brouillard allegedly engaged in oral sex with the boy and “required” J.G. to perform sexual acts on him. The civil complaint states Brouillard quoted from the Bible during oral sexual encounters. The priest allegedly told the boy he was now “one to one with God.”
The priest also told J.G. this was normal behavior and the boy now “enjoyed a higher status in the church,” court documents state.
Brouillard allegedly took the boys to restaurants to eat, something J.G.’s attorney Michael Berman contends was part of an “evil campaign” to sexually abuse the boys. The retired priest, during a deposition in 2017 in Minnesota, admitted to dozens of sexual acts with male minors while he served as a priest and scoutmaster on Guam for nearly 40 years.
The lawsuit seeks $10 million in damages.