Family stands by Kevin Braney's claim of priest sexual abuse (Your letters)
March 14, 2018
Kevin Braney pictured June 2, 2014, in the backyard of the home he grew up in, on Stanwood Lane, Manlius. Photo by Michael Greenlar |
The Braney family, in support of our son and brother, validates the facts of his story as he has told it to The Post-Standard over these last four years. More importantly, the Vatican, the Diocese of Syracuse and their Diocesan Review Board found his sexual abuse claims against Charles Eckermann credible after months of investigation. This is contrary to Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick's recent and inaccurate public statements. Clearly, Fitzpatrick does not have all of the information about Kevin's case.
Kevin's family has learned of the painful events suffered by him many years ago through his healing process these past five years. We applaud both Kevin's courage to speak out and his continuous and relentless efforts to prompt the Syracuse Diocese to release the names of the 11 remaining pedophile priests to this community to keep our children safe. We support him 100 percent!
Ronald and Patricia Braney