63 people come forward following investigation into historic sex abuse at mental health unit
By Rachel Russell
St. Albans & Harpenden Review
February 13, 2018
Historic sex abuse investigation has been launched |
Around 63 people have come forward following an investigation into historic sex abuse against adolescents at a mental health unit.
Hertfordshire Constabulary launched Operation Meadow last year after receiving reports from various sources about physical and sexual abuse at the Hill End Hospital Adolescent Unit, in St Albans.
A team of specially trained officers have been investigating into the claims which allegedly occurred between 1969 and 1995.
A police spokesperson said: “We are continuing to gather information and evidence in relation to the adolescent unit and the experiences of those who stayed or visited there.”
The unit was open from 1899 until 1995 in the Highfield Park area of St Albans to help people with mental health issues.
However, it is now the site of a housing development.
Operation Meadow was announced in November with assistant chief constable Bill Jephson at the time saying he wanted to “lift the lid” on what could have happened at the hospital.
No arrests have been made.
Anyone who may have information relevant to the on-going investigation can phone police on 101, or anonymously call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or through the anonymous online form at www.crimestoppers-uk.org.
For those who would prefer a non-police response or who feel they would prefer this type of support can contact their GP or Samaritans on 116 123 or www.samaritans.org.
The police are working with their NHS partners, support agencies and charities to ensure that all those who make contact, in whatever capacity, will receive the help that they need.