| Media Release – February 1, 2018
Road to Recovery
February 2, 2018
Newark Archdiocese places children, teenagers, and vulnerable adults at risk by not requiring its parishes and schools to comply with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People regarding child safety training
It is outrageous that 53 parishes and 13 schools have not fulfilled its 2017 obligation to keep children safe by conducting and verifying training for adults who work with children
Cardinal Joseph Tobin, since he arrived in Newark over one year ago, has largely ignored the critical work of child protection and healing by not mandating that parishes and schools make child protection a priority and by now litigating clergy sexual abuse cases
A press conference and demonstration protesting the lack of attention paid to child protection and healing by Cardinal Joseph Tobin and the Archdiocese of Newark demonstrated by the 53 parishes and 13 schools that have yet to document their child protection training and by the litigation undertaken by Cardinal Tobin of childhood sexual abuse claims, leaving children at risk of sexual abuse and victim/survivors of clergy sexual abuse with the inability to heal in a timely manner.
Friday, February 2, 2018 from 10:30 until Noon (Press conference at 11:30 am)
On the public sidewalk across from the headquarters of the Archdiocese of Newark at 171 Clifton Avenue, Newark, New Jersey 07104
Members of Road to Recovery, Inc., including victim/survivors of clergy from the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey and their advocates, led by Road to Recovery, Inc. co-founder and President, Robert M. Hoatson, Ph.D.
A recent Star Ledger report highlighted the lack of seriousness of the Archdiocese of Newark in protecting children in its parishes, schools, and institutions. 53 parishes and 13 schools, in 2017, have not reported that they have conducted training in child protection as required by the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This is not surprising since Cardinal Joseph Tobin, who became the Archbishop of Newark approximately one year ago, has not treated victim/survivors of clergy sexual abuse in the Newark Archdiocese with fairness, and he has chosen litigation over settlements, causing sexual abuse victim/survivors of Newark Archdiocesan clergy to feel re-victimized and re-traumatized. Demonstrators will call on Cardinal Joseph Tobin to make clergy sexual abuse training a priority by requiring all Archdiocesan institutions to conduct proper and thorough training, treating sexual abuse victim/survivors with fairness and justice, and settling cases of clergy sexual abuse in a timely, just, and fair manner.
Robert M. Hoatson, Ph.D., Road to Recovery, Inc., 862-368-2800 roberthoatson@gmail.com
Attorney Mitchell Garabedian, Boston, MA – 617-523-6250 – mgarabedian@garabedianlaw.com
(portrayed in the 2016 Academy Award- winning Best Picture, “Spotlight”)