| Fury As State Probe Axed into "Cover up" of Waterford Paedophile Bill Kenneally's Abuse
By Niall Moonan
Irish Mirror
January 4, 2018
Depraved...convicted paedophile Bill Kenneally, who is serving 14 years for a catalogue of abuse against boys in Waterford (Image: Dylan Vaughan)
Victims of Ireland’s worst paedophile were told yesterday that an inquiry promised last year into claims the State covered up the horrific abuse, has been shelved.
They had hoped the probe would finally expose the organisations which knew - but did nothing about - the decades-long torture they suffered at the hands of depraved basketball coach Bill Kenneally.
But Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan yesterday said it can not proceed because of fresh allegations against the jailed pervert.
One brave victim, Jason Clancy, 47, told The Mirror last night that neither he nor fellow survivors were told about the decision and learned about it through the media.
During his four years of hell in the 1980s, warped Kenneally blindfolded him, tied him to trees and sexually tortured him.
He said: “This is the biggest kick we have ever felt.
Fight for justice...victims of Kenneally Colin Power, Jason Clancy, Kevin Keating and Barry Murphy (Image: patrick browne)
“Our lives and the lives of our families are on hold waiting for justice and this announcement just reinforces what we feared before - that the Department of Justice is happy to prolong this mental torment and suffering.”
The victims, all from Waterford, maintain Gardai, members of Fianna Fail, health authorities and the Church knew for YEARS about the abuse but failed to stop it.
Despite his long reign of terror and the complaints made against him, Kenneally was only convicted in 2016 and sentenced to 14 years behind bars.
It is estimated he abused more than 100 boys.
Yesterday, Minister Flanagan said: “The Government decided on 30 May 2017 to establish a Commission of Investigation.
"However...the legal issues that prevented the Commission from being established at this time related to additional complaints of sexual abuse received by An Garda Siochana.”
Probe must be halted...Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan
He said this might compromise evidence that such people might give in criminal proceedings and jeopardise the rights of the victims to having their complaints investigated and prosecuted.
“Therefore, even if a Commission were to be established now, its work would be seriously delayed to allow for the completion of outstanding investigations and prosecutions.”
But Mr Clancy insists the inquiry COULD be set up and preparatory work done before the public hearings take place.
He said: “An Garda Siochana, Fianna Fail, the HSE and the Catholic Church can all breathe a sigh of relief that these secrets and lies have been protected once again.
“There remains no evidence of prejudice demonstrated.
“I don’t feel like it’s a new year or have any optimism going into 2018. I am truly gutted.”