EDITORIAL: Strengthen Family Values To Stop Violence And Abuse At Home, In Society
By Charles Chambers
Fiji Sun Online
January 2, 2018
Family values should become the main focus of everyone in Fiji in for 2018.
These values have become so eroded that it could be blamed for the breakdown of respect within families, the abuses, both physical and sexual, the increased number of youths into drugs and the discarding of the elderly to care homes.
In this modern day and age, one must explore what are some of the main reasons for the breakdown in family life.
The head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, in one of his documents pointed a finger at social media and the internet which he said contributed greatly to this.
The 79-year-old pontiff explored the way technology affected relationships, such as when people stay on their mobile phones during meal times.
He said the fast pace of the online world was affecting people’s approach to relationships.
“They believe, along the lines of social networks, that love can be connected or disconnected at the whim of the consumer, and the relationship quickly ‘blocked’.”
Pope Francis offered support for women, condemning the “verbal, physical and sexual violence” that many endure in marriages and rejecting “sexual submission” to men.
He said the belief that feminism was to blame for the crisis in families today was completely invalid.
One has to look at the number of cases now being held in Fiji’s High Courts and those that have been completed to see the number of rape and physical and sexual abuse cases.
The sickening addition to this is the continuous abuse towards young people, some not even in their teens.
Is this “online world” which Pope Francis mentions, one of the main causes?
Pornography is readily available on the network and with the new block of modern mobile phones, anyone, regardless of age can access this.
Once in, the mind definitely gets corrupted and then the rape and abuses can start.
Of course religious bodies are doing all they can to steer the young minds away from such temptations, but getting the youth to adhere to the teachings of holy scripture, regardless of religion, is another matter.
In reality, there are no foolproof ways to protect children or anyone for that matter from physical or sexual abuse, but there are steps you can take to reduce this risk.
One of the main ways to achieve almost anything is to sit and talk about it with all family members, outlining the effects that are associated with this.
Report such abuses, regardless of whether it is a family member or someone you know personally.
Seek advice from organisations that are out there to assist those who are being abused.
Turning a blind eye to this problem will only see the cases escalate and the breakdown in society.
Let us, as a nation, put in our share of the work to help reduce this sickness.
Let’s not turn a blind eye.
Let’s reinforce family values at home, even if it means starting all over again.
Contact: charles.chambers@fijisun.com.fj