| Give Citizens a Voice against Injustice: Letters to the Editor, Dec. 28
By Give citizens
The Tennessean
December 28, 2017
Give citizens a voice against injustice
We have a societal tendency to give people in power undue benefit of the doubt at the expense of justice when faced with allegations of systemic abuse. Additionally, it is common that the pure chance of a victim's birth – their gender, race or economic conditions – will give enough cause to discredit their lived experience.
From sexual abuse (the Catholic Church; Hollywood; U.S. Gymnastics; Missoula, Mont.) to police brutality (throughout history and nationwide), the consequences have been deep and lasting. When the arc of the universe bends toward justice, the perspective of an independent agency has been necessary to right the consistent imbalance in power, privilege and protection.
Similar to the actions of the Diocese of the Catholic Church and the prosecutors office in Missoula protecting the status quo by any means necessary will not age well. Though there are very few cities that have been successful at maintaining the independence and empowerment of a citizens’ oversight board, many of which are implemented only after clear evidence of police brutality, there is a clear pattern of aggressive political and legal maneuvering by the Fraternal Order of Police in opposition to such measures.
Whatever the current landscape, be certain that the FOP tactics being used across the country, including the ones we've witnessed in Nashville over the last two months, will ultimately be viewed with the same disgust and chagrin as the institutional failings recounted in Jon Krakauer's Book, “Missoula” and in the movie, “Spotlight.”
We owe Nashville the chance to continue its storied civil rights history by leading the way in exemplifying the true achievement of a long-held goal of the movement with the implementation of a functioning Community Oversight Board (BL 2017-951).
Melissa Cherry, Nashville 37207
Pass clean Dream Act
I am one of the many Tennesseans who would like to see Senators Corker and Alexander take the lead in getting a clean Dream Act passed as soon as possible.
Brilliant young minds are at risk of being deported, and to me, this is a heartbreakingly cruel notion. As an International Baccalaureate graduate myself, I couldn’t imagine being stripped of the collegiate opportunities that my hard work afforded me.
However, as a lucky, privileged U.S. citizen from birth, I never had to worry about such profound obstacles at such a young age. Attaining my dreams of success only relied on my parents’ resources and my hard work.
These DACA recipients only want success, and are no different from me; they were simply handed one different card that has made it seemingly impossible to have a winning hand.
Please, senators, think about the 9,000 young Tennesseans who have worked hard fo
I ask that you take a stand and fight for a clean Dream Act to restore hope in the hearts of these young Tennesseans that are so integral to the composition of this nation.
Margaret Adams, Nashville 37215
Injustice persists
I could not help but notice the dichotomy of your two lead stories on Thursday's front page.
In one story the man, Lawrence McKinney, was exonerated of rape after serving 31 years in prison. In the other it appears that a gang rape of a 12-year-old boy is going to go unpunished.
I dare say that both outcomes are due to their connected social status. Our country will never be great again" until there is true justice for all citizens.
Mike Casha, Nashville 37221