| Do Right by the Victims: Time to Protect New York's Children
New York Daily News
December 28, 2017
Next year will bring yet another attempt to overhaul New York’s antiquated statutes of limitations for victims of childhood sexual abuse — and it must be the last.
With exceptions for rape and other forcible violations, prosecutors have just five years after individuals victimized as children turn 18 to bring criminal charges, a constraint that has protected many a pedophile.
Victims have just until they are 21 years old to bring a civil complaint against organizations that may have been havens for predators.
At this #MeToo moment — in light of profound new public understanding why victims delay, sometimes for many years, reporting their abuse by those more powerful than they — this state must stand with victims and right a great wrong.
Gov. Cuomo ought to seize his chance to lead the way, in the spotlight of his State of the State Address next week and by attaching statute of limitations reform to the upcoming state budget.
While the state Assembly finally embraced reform last year, the Senate still stands stubbornly in the way, objecting to a measure that would empower not just future victims but, for a time, past ones to seek justice. Sharing that concern are religious and other organizations concerned about fending off costly lawsuits.
The Albany legislative session soon to start stands to be a game-changer. The past year has seen not only #MeToo but also a successful first round of victim compensation payments from the Archdiocese of New York that ward off future legal liability, meaning the powerful Catholic Church might reconsider.
The hallmark of the #MeToo movement has been the dispensing of a measure of rough justice, toppling powerful men from privilege as their years of abuse have come to light.
But crimes are crimes and wrongs are wrongs, and justice will be served ultimately through punishment by law to the fullest extent allowed.
With #MeToo Americans of all stripes are coming to understand that victims often need time to process sexual trauma before they can give voice to their pain.
Harvey Weinstein proved that predators can wield such power and influence that victims stay quiet — from fear of reprisal or fear that they won’t be believed.
New York’s sexual assault statutes of limitation help the perpetrators prevail. Governor: Don’t let them.