| Catholic School Abuse in Plain Sight for Years
Sunday Times
December 17, 2017
Long before the appalling cruelty inflicted on Stephen Bleach in the 1970s, the abuse at St Benedict’s School in Ealing, west London, was widely known but no one did anything about it (“The monks who stole my childhood”, News Review, last week).
In the 1950s I went to a grammar school in Wembley and we all heard stories about savage beatings by the monks and were familiar enough with the Marquis de Sade to recognise sexual perversion masquerading as discipline. We were thankful we weren’t Catholics. It diminished organised religion, and Catholicism in particular, in my young eyes.
Michael Cole, Woodbridge, Suffolk
Role models
Bleach’s harrowing account made me reflect on my own experience of setting up St Benedict’s unofficial football team during my son’s…