Sexual Abuse Scandal in New York’s Mental Health System Similar to Catholic Church Sex Scandal

By Brad Bennett
PR PR Health via Daily Telescope
November 14, 2017

[with video]

ALBANY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, November 14, 2017 — Governor Andrew Cuomo took decisive actions following the award winning New York Times “Abused & Used” investigative reporting series to keep these horrific heinous crimes from the 911 call systems, local police and county elected prosecutors. The sole purpose of bypassing local authorities and courts is to cover-up crimes. Similar to the Catholic Church sex scandal where sexual predators were shuffled from parish to parish, this is exactly what New York State’s mental health care system is doing with predator caregivers Instead of Catholic priests, it is sexual predators posing as caregivers working in a widely known unsafe system which is rampant with sexual abuse.

It’s all about power, control and the money and hardly anything about providing safe care and services for our most vulnerable. Almost every imaginable safety and abuse prevention measure still is not in place to protect people with disabilities in residential care facilities and group homes. Hiding and concealing information and documents from authorities and the general public is the key to this disgusting scheme and this also is what Governor Cuomo has chosen

The Criminal Conspiracy occurring surrounds the governor’s fraudulent Justice Center also hiding and concealing documents and evidence of sex crimes and many other types of crimes, including homicides, from local police so that criminal investigations in most cases will never happen. No 911 call, no tape of the reported crime, no police report, no independent medical report , no criminal investigation, then it didn’t happen is how New York State is operating under Governor Andrew Cuomo.

New York State documents also obtained through FOIL dating back to 2005 reveal that the New York State OMRDD/OPWDD system has a culture of sexual abuse, rape and cover-ups. Thousands of reported sex crimes committed against the disabled are never reported to local police or District Attorney’s and are disappearing within the system that former Attorney General Cuomo and now Governor Cuomo has protected with a vengeance . State data, as well as this well known study found on the State of Massachusetts website titled, Prevalence of Violence, point to possibly one third of developmentally disabled residents within Governor Cuomo’s OPWDD system are being sexually assaulted annually. In a system of 126,000 developmentally disabled children and adults, many of whom cannot speak to tell anyone anything, there are upwards of 43,000 victims every year. Try to wrap your mind around the scope of what I am bringing to your attention.

Governor Cuomo knows about these atrocities, he has protected most of the criminals involved and he has taken no significant actions to stop or prevent any of these sex crimes or criminal cover-ups. Governor Cuomo must be investigated and criminally charged as soon as possible. Here is an extensive timeline of what Governor Andrew Cuomo has known about and has protected for over ten years

No longer can 911 and local police be bypassed. 911 call systems must be immediately called by all mandated reporters regarding all sexual abuse and obviously all other crimes and medical emergencies. Donate to support this vital Civil Rights Movement for the disabled and their families, but also for our country and the world, the maltreatment and unequal treatment of the disabled is an international societal problem that must be addressed now. People with disabilities are equal and just as valuable and precious as anyone else- period.


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