New sex abuse claim filed by victim who’s not catholic
By Janela Carrera
Pacific News Center
October 31, 2017
Catholic Parishioners end protest. Puts trust in Archbishop Michael Byrnes. |
Over a hundred lawsuits have been filed agains the church, over half of which name Father Louis Brouillard.
Guam – Once again, alleged pedophile priest Father Louis Brouillard has been named in a sex abuse lawsuit filed against the Catholic Church, this time by a victim who was not catholic.
This latest claim was filed by 50-year-old M.S.M. who says he became an altar boy in 1979 even though he was not catholic.
M.S.M. served mass at the Tumon Parish but did not receive the bread when it came time for communion. M.S.M. says after serving mass, on at least two occasions he was sexually abused by Brouillard. But the victim also says that Brouillard often walked around the rectory in the nude and allowed the altar boys to drink leftover wine from mass.
M.S.M. is seeking $10 million in damages.