| Brouillard Took Advantage of ‘childhood and Innocence’
By Mindy Aguon
Guam Daily Post
October 11, 2017
BROUILLARD: Rev. Louis Brouillard was born in 1921 and ordained in 1948. The Diocese of Duluth included Brouillard on its list of clergy members with credible allegations of child sexual abuse. Photo courtesy of Jeff Anderson & Associates
Four new clergy sex abuse lawsuits, seeking a total of $25 million in damages, were filed in the Superior and District Courts in the last week against Louis Brouillard, the Archdiocese of Agana and Boy Scouts of America. Brouillard took advantage of the altar boys' "childhood and innocence," court documents state.
Three cases filed by attorney Michael Berman on behalf of his clients, F.M., P.P. and R.G., in the Superior Court of Guam seek $5 million in damages each.
The alleged abuse occurred while Brouillard was a priest at the San Isidro Catholic Church in Malojloj, San Vicente Church in Barrigada and the Tumon parish in the 1970s.
F.M., who is now 49, alleges he was subjected to sexual abuse by Brouillard when he served as an altar boy at the Barrigada and Tumon parishes when he was 10 to 17 years old.
The lawsuit alleges Brouillard forced F.M. to shower with him and sexually abused the boy on church grounds, during Boy Scout swimming outings and in Beroun, Minnesota, where the priest relocated after leaving Guam.
F.M. stated Brouillard paid for him and another boy to spend the summer with him in Minnesota and took them on road trips. The priest allegedly forced the boy to engage in sexual acts with him and the other male minor.
The lawsuit states F.M. was confused and embarrassed, and that he could never forget the abuse because of the negative sexual effect it had on him.
"Brouillard took advantage of F.M.'s childhood and innocence," court documents state.
P.P., 54, alleges he was subjected to sexual molestation and abuse by Brouillard over one and a half years when he was 13 years old. The complaint alleges Brouillard would expose himself to the altar boys before Mass, have them read adult magazines and encourage them to smoke tobacco.
He said he intended to join the Boy Scouts but, because of the priest's "offensive conduct," the boy decided not to.
R.G., 55, was an alternate altar boy at San Vicente Catholic Church when he allegedly witnessed Brouillard engaging in sexual activity with a young boy. He said he often saw the priest exposing himself and encouraging the altar boys to read pornographic material that he left in the rectory.
During a Boy Scout camping trip, R.G. recalls being woken from his sleep by someone fondling him, prompting him to kick and punch and run out of the tent. "Totally disgusted" from what happened, R.G. stopped being an altar server.
$10M claim against Brouillard
In a lawsuit filed yesterday in the District Court of Guam, H.A.W. alleges Brouillard taught him and other altar boys how to perform sexual acts when he was 8 years old.
The alleged abused occurred in the late '70s when Brouillard served as parish priest at San Isidro Catholic Church in Malojloj and as a scoutmaster.
The civil complaint alleges H.A.W. and other altar boys would be called into the convent where Brouillard stayed to help clean up before Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) classes.
It's alleged that the priest taught the boys how to masturbate and would force H.A.W. and the other boys to massage his legs and feet while he exposed himself and forced them to perform sexual acts on him.
The lawsuit, filed by attorney David Lujan, alleges the Archdiocese of Agana was aware that Brouillard had sexually abused and molested H.A.W., and did not intervene to prevent him from engaging in additional instances of sexual abuse and keeping Brouillard's misconduct hidden and secret.
H.A.W. is seeking $10 million in damages.