| Cardinal George Pell in Melbourne Court over Historical Sexual Offences
October 6, 2017
Guarded by a ring of police, Cardinal George Pell has been heckled outside the Melbourne Magistrates' Court where he appeared for a brief mention of his case.
A frail-looking Pell, 76, left the court building on Friday morning with his barrister Robert Richter QC and a band of police, who accompanied the pair to the lawyer's office amid a media frenzy.
As he made the slow walk to and from court, Pell was heckled by protesters but didn't react.
The Cardinal is facing charges over alleged historical sexual offences.
Police had cordoned off the court entrance early in the day and blocked part of the road outside.
A line of about 30 people - mainly media - waited for hours to secure a seat in the courtroom where the third most senior Vatican official's committal mention was heard.
There was no sign of Pell supporters, but some victim advocacy representatives turned up, a few holding signs.
"It doesn't matter how high up the tree you are, it doesn't matter how much access to money you have, no one is above the law," Brian Cherrie said.
Cardinal Pell is facing court for a commital hearing.
It is at the committal hearing that a magistrate will decide if there is enough evidence for the case to go to trial in the Victorian County Court.
Cardinal Pell does not have to enter a formal plea unless he is committed to stand trial.
In July, high-profile barrister Robert Richter QC said the cardinal would fight all the charges in his first court appearance.
The former Sydney and Melbourne archbishop and Ballarat priest has taken leave from his position as Vatican treasurer to return to Australia to defend himself.