| Priest Abused Boy Daily
By Mindy Aguon
Guam Daily Post
October 5, 2017
A Talofofo resident alleges he was subjected to sex abuse daily when he was a boy by former Guam priest Andrew Mannetta in 1985. Post file photo
A former Guam resident alleges he was subjected to daily sexual abuse while required to live with a priest at the San Miguel Church in Talofofo in 1985.
A lawsuit, filed by G.E.J. who used his initials to protect his identity, named Andrew Mannetta.
The Bremerton, Washington, resident alleges that when he was 14, he rebelled against his parents and ran away from home for a brief period.His parents made arrangements for G.E.J. to live with former Guam priest Andrew Mannetta at the church for two weeks.
Mannetta was the parish priest at the Talofofo church. The civil complaint, filed in the Superior Court today, alleges the priest subjected the boy to daily sexual abuse by forcing him to lie on his stomach as the priest rubbed the boy’s thighs and private parts.
When the boy tried to move away from contact, Mannetta allegedly grabbed him and threw him back on his stomach, court documents state.
Archdiocese of Agana blamed
The lawsuit alleges Mannetta was grooming G.E.J. for an increased level of sexual abuse including penetration.
G.E.J.’s attorney, Anthony C. Perez, alleges the Archdiocese of Agana knew or should have known of Mannetta’s “heinous and despicable conduct” and failed to take any steps to warn its parishioners of the risk of harm to children.
Perez said the archdiocese had a practice and pattern of harboring child abusers and protecting their identities.
Jury trial sought
The lawsuit seeks a jury trial and an amount of damages to be proven at trial, as well as equitable damages that include an order from the court requiring the archdiocese to: post on the home page of their websites the names of all known members of the archdiocese who are known as sexual abusers, and establish a toll-free phone number and website where anonymous abuse complaints can be made, among other things.
According to Post files, Mannetta was assigned to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, San Miguel in Talofofo, Santa Teresita, and the St. Fidelis Friary on Guam. He also served at the St. Elizabeth Church in Aiea, Hawaii, and Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Pearl City, Hawaii.
The Archdiocese of Agana has previously said Mannetta was defrocked in 2002 after sexual abuse claims were raised in Hawaii. The case was settled with a $375,000 payment in 2007.
t his identity, named Andrew Mannetta.
The Bremerton, Washington, resident alleges that when he was 14, he rebelled from his parents and ran away from home for a brief period.His parents made arrangements for G.E.J. to live with former Guam priest Andrew Mannetta at the church for two weeks.
Mannetta was the parish priest at the Talofofo church. The civil complaint, filed in the Superior Court today, alleges the priest subjected the boy to daily sexual abuse by forcing him to lie on his stomach as the priest rubbed the boy’s thighs and private parts.
When the boy tried to move away from contact, Mannetta allegedly grabbed him and threw him back on his stomach, court documents state.
The lawsuit alleges Mannetta was grooming G.E.J. for an increased level of sexual abuse including penetration.
G.E.J.’s attorney, Anthony Perez, alleges the Archdiocese of Agana knew or should have known of Mannetta’s “heinous and despicable conduct” and failed to take any steps to warn its parishioners of the risk of harm to children.
Perez said the archdiocese had a practice and pattern of harboring child abusers and protecting their identities.
The lawsuit seeks a jury trial and an amount of damages to be proven at trial as well as equitable damages that include an order from the court requiring the archdiocese to post on the home page of their websites the names of all known members of the archdiocese who are are known as sexual abusers and establish a toll-free phone number and website where anonymous abuse complaints can be made, among other things.
According to Post files, Mannetta was assigned to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, San Miguel in Talofofo, Santa Teresita, and the St. Fidelis Friary on Guam. He also served at the St. Elizabeth Church in Aiea, Hawaii, and Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Pearl City, Hawaii.
The Archdiocese of Agana has previously said Mannetta was defrocked in 2002 after sexual abuse claims were raised in Hawaii. The case was settled with a $375,000 payment in 2007.