| Letter from Mary F. Mcmahon Regarding the Rockville Centre Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program
By Mary F. McMahon
Diocese of Rockville Centre via Newsday from Attorney Mitchell Garabedian
October 2, 2017
[full text]
[Note: This posting provides an easier download of a PDF of the letter, previously posted by Newsday and included on Tracker.]
As Victim Assistance Coordinator for the Diocese of Rockville Centre, I understand the sensitivities of people who have survived abuse. With that in mind, I am writing to advise you of the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program the Diocese of Rockville Centre (“DRVC”) will be initiating in the upcoming weeks (the “DRVC IRCP”). This letter will provide you, in advance, with information you may find helpful when the program is announced.
As you may recall, in October 2016, the New York Archdiocese implemented its IRCP; a two-phase program for survivors of clergy sexual abuse. This past June, the Brooklyn Diocese made its IRCP available. The DRVC is now preparing to offer, in October 2017, the DRVC IRCP to survivors of sexual abuse by DRVC clergy. As the DRVC prepares for the initial phase of the DRVC IRCP, I want to advise you of some details of this program in order to provide you with certain important information and in the hope of allaying any concerns you may have.
Later in October, shortly after the DRVC announces the program, you will receive information in the mail, including instructions for submitting a claim, from the administrators of the program: Mr. Kenneth Feinberg and Ms. Camille Biros. This information will be sent to you because at some time in the past a report of inappropriate sexual conduct by a member of the DRVC clergy was made to the DRVC and your name was associated with this report. Please be assured that your participation in this program is completely voluntary and, subject only to the special circumstances that will be clearly outlined in the DRVC IRCP Protocol (such as any required reporting to the appropriate District Attorneys' offices), will be kept strictly confidential All information any claimant provides on the claim form will be mailed directly by the claimant to Mr. Feinberg' s office.