Attorney Jacque Terlaje responds to media questions after a hearing on defense's motion to dismiss.
Terlaje represents Archbishop Anthony Apuron who faces four clergy sexual abuse lawsuits at the District Court of Guam.
Defense's motion argues that local law that lifts the civil statute of limitations for child sex abuse cases is unconstitutional.
Plaintiffs' attorney David Lujan had stateside co-counsel argue for Tuesday's proceedings. Attorney Gregory Nicolaysen via telephone argued that Guam's situation is unique. The Guam legislature, he argued, was responding to a compelling public interest which is that victims of abuse tend to have delayed reporting and the victims in this case were challenged by the most prominent and highest member of the clergy locally, which is the Archbishop.
The court will provide a report and recommendations.
Meanwhile, the remaining 90-plus clergy sex abuse cases head into settlement talks next month with Oregon-based mediator and retired federal judge Michael Hogan.