Queensland school 'failed' student after gang-rape allegation
By Jorge Branco
Brisbane Times
August 21, 2017
Shalom Christian College has been criticised by counsel assisting the royal commission. Photo by Michele Mossop |
A Queensland boarding school failed to properly care for a student after she was allegedly gang-raped by older boys while boarding there in 2006, a royal commission has been urged to find.
Counsel assisting the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, David Lloyd, made submissions harshly criticising Townsville's Uniting Church-run Shalom Christian College's response to the trauma.
He said, 10 years on, the school still did not have enough money to provide a safe environment for its students.
During hearings in Sydney in November last year, the young woman's tearful parents said they were pressured not to press charges against the four men involved because they came from "well known and influential families" and that former principal Christopher Shirley was "trying to paint a bad picture of my daughter".
Mr Shirley gave evidence that he did not try to blame the student, referred to as CLF, and that he did not tell her parents not to report the matter to police.
Mr Lloyd submitted the school failed CLF and did not properly support her parents as they dealt with her abuse.
In its own submissions to the inquiry, the Uniting Church argued the evidence did not support such findings, saying the school's counsellor saw the student every day after the incident, among other elements of support.
In a submission made public on Monday, Mr Lloyd also said it was open to the commission to find Mr Shirley failed to report allegations of a previous assault against the student to authorities or her parents, which the former principal denied.
Mr Shirley gave evidence that he tended to "over-report (rather) than under-report" allegations of that sort.
Mr Shirley said he was focused on the victim's safety in the aftermath of the assault but admitted it was a "serious failure" not to have brought in an external psychologist or psychiatrist to help the student.
"In hindsight, I could have activated those sorts of professional services," he told hearings.
The girl's father told the hearing he was "stunned and angry" to find out about the earlier allegations more than 10 years later as the hearings approached.
"We would have taken her away from that place, because of the serious nature of it … and this other thing wouldn't have happened," he said.
CLF's mother said: "If I had know [sic] that incident happened, if I'd been given one phone call, my daughter wouldn't have been there for the second one."
Her mother told the commission CLF had turned to drink, drugs and self harm after the attack.
Shalom is a private college in Townsville that caters predominantly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, many of whom are from remote communities.
In 2006, there were almost 350 students at the school and about 40 per cent, including CLF, were boarders. At the time it was run by the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress but it went into voluntary administration and the Queensland Synod of the Uniting Church took over in 2013.
CLF came to the school at the start of 2005 or start of the 2006 school year but left two months later after she alleged she was raped by four male boarders.
When the girl's parents saw the school for the first time, following the alleged rape, they found the grounds, building and classrooms in a "shocking state" so bad they would not have sent their daughter there had they known, the royal commission heard.
According to counsel assisting, four male students sexually assaulted the girl on the night of March 23, 2006,* including "instances of non-consensual vaginal penetration and oral sex".
It took six years to go to trial and three of the boys were acquitted of rape, found guilty of the lesser charge of indecent treatment of a girl under 16 and released without convictions on 18-month good behaviour bonds.
Mr Shirley gave evidence the school dealt with as many as 20 sexual assaults a year but the Department of Child Safety and what was then known as the Office of the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board never raised concerns.
The school's current principal Christopher England, in charge since 2013, told the royal commission the school still did not have enough resources to keep its students safe, despite requests to MPs, Independent Schools Queensland and the Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Service.
"Unlike other boarding schools, the fees that we charge our parents are nil, because they come with nothing," he said.
"We provide a service to the poorest sector of the community."
Mr Lloyd said the school's resourcing was "not sufficient for it to maintain a safe environment for the students".
The royal commission was yet to hand down its finding.
Contact: jorge.branco@fairfaxmedia.com.au