Nottinghamshire MP named as core participant in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
By Hannah Mitchell
Nottingham Post
August 21, 2017
John Mann member of parliament for Bassetlaw |
A Nottinghamshire MP has been named as a "core participant" in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Nottinghamshire.
The inquiry will look into claims of abuse over a 60 year period in Notitinghamshire after it was announced in 2015 that Nottinghamshire’s councils would be among the first to be investigated by the independent inquiry.
John Mann, Member of Parliament for Bassetlaw, first applied to be a core participant in March but was declined by the chairman Professor Alexis Jay on the grounds that he had not played a significant role in relation to the matters.
However, Prof Jay announced in May that she had reconsidered her view and the MP would play an important role in the inquiry.
A core participant is someone who "is an individual, organisation or institution that has a specific interest in the work of the Inquiry, and has a formal role as defined by legislation".
Prof Jay said: “He and his team have spent thousands of hours working with these survivors. In relation to some of his constituents, he has forced the police to reopen investigations and that for others, he is the first person they have spoken to in decades.
“Mr Mann has spent a significant amount of time working with his constituents who are survivors of abuse.
IICSA was set up after allegations of abuse at children's homes previously operated by Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council, and other organisations dating back to the 1940s.
The county is the subject of one of 13 investigations being carried out by IICSA.
Other investigations include an inquiry into allegations of institutional failures to protect children from sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales.
“He has taken a particular interest in his constituents’ experiences and pursuing matters on their behalf, and in the response of institutions to allegations of child sexual abuse in Nottingham.
“It is evident from Mr Mann’s application that at least one of his constituents was in the care of the Nottinghamshire Councils at the time of the alleged abuse.”