Retired priest Roy Catchpole reveals how "heartbreaking" sex abuse allegations "wrecked his life"
By Daniel Mumby
Somerset Live
August 15, 2017
The Reverend Dr Roy Catchpole, pictured outside Sherborne Abbey Photo by Jennie Banks |
A retired priest who was cleared of sexual assault has spoken out about his experience for the first time.
The Reverend Dr Roy Catchpole was arrested at his home in Sherborne in 2014 after being accused of sexually assaulting a female member of his congregation.
After two trials, he was "set free as an innocent, falsely accused person". He was subsequently offered an apology by Dorset Police and awarded costs.
Now the retired reverend, 71, has spoken out about how the legal process has affected him and his family, and what should be done to protect people who are wrongfully accused of sex crimes.
Following his arrest in 2014, he spent two years going through the Dorset courts.
He said: "The first jury failed to reach an agreed verdict. A new date was set for a second trial, and I was sent home.
"This intrusion into our quiet and law-abiding existence threatened to devastate our family. Had it not been for the support of a few Christian friends, and their prayers, we would have gone under."
As part of his bail conditions, Mr Catchpole was prohibited from attending his church, either practising as a priest or simply worshiping as a member of the laity – an experience which he described as "heartbreaking".
He said: "I was banned from practising as a priest by the bishops of two dioceses, and by the Methodist Church.
"If I wished to worship elsewhere I had to agree to a humiliating monitoring procedure by a group of church people and the vicar of the parish. Any close proximity to a female in church had to be reported.
"I had to arrive at the church not earlier than ten minutes before the service, and not remain more than ten minutes after the end. Everybody knew.
"Our regular attendance at Sherborne Abbey, where I had been a member of the College of Clergy, and had preached, had become a weekly torture. As a drummer, I was no longer allowed that role in church."
Mr Catchpole has compared his plight to that of Reverend Graham Sawyer, a serving Anglican priest who was abused by disgraced Bishop Peter Ball, currently serving a 32-month prison sentence.
He said: "Mr Sawyer said that the church vilified and alienated him when he reported sexual abuse by a member of the clergy. We experienced a similar abandonment by clergy colleagues.
"The difference between him and me is, he had been abused. I had been falsely accused of abuse.
"I was innocent of the charges. In the end, after two trials and numerous hearings, many miles of travelling and anxious sleepless nights, the judge dismissed the jury and set me free as an innocent, falsely accused person. After a more thorough investigation by the police, there was no evidence to bring against me. I was offered an apology and awarded costs."
On top of all this, the judge took the unusual move of apologising to Mr Catchpole in court after the second trial was dismissed.
Mr Catchpole’s barrister, David Martin-Sperry, stated in a legal note: "It would be wrong to suggest that the history of the case – and the defendant’s acquittal after the Crown offered no evidence against him – allows for any suggestion at all that he may have behaved in any way improperly or inappropriately towards the complainant. It does not."
Since his exoneration, Mr Catchpole has indicated that no longer wishes to represent either the Church of England or the Methodist Church, for whom he had served as an associate minister.
He said: "There are many of us in this position, whose lives are being ruined and who will never recover. Young people whose relationships and lives are being torn apart, who will spend the rest of their lives in limbo. I am in touch with many of these people and their families. I have become a friend and counsellor to them online.
"Even though you are innocent, it will wreck your life, separate your family, make you unemployed and unemployable. Tarnish you on the internet and in the local and national press. It may even result in your murder. It has happened before. The lying tongue is a powerful weapon."
Mr Catchpole has called for a change in British culture regarding how sex cases are reported, including a more careful use of terminology.
"I have enormous respect and empathy for those who are sexually abused. I believe that their hands should be strengthened by the law so that their abusers can come to judgement and be punished.
"But I want to speak also for those who are innocent. I want to speak for those who have been falsely accused out of revenge, malice, for financial compensation, or because of mental illness fantasies.
"I want someone to do something to change the popular culture of moral panic and precautionary logic, which assumes that all accusers are victims and truth-tellers and all accused are liars and perpetrators.
"How many more quiet, law-abiding families, doing their little bit of good in the community, have to have their lives devastated by liars with the full backing of the law?"