Abuse inquiry set to put orphanages in spotlight
By Hannah Rodger
Evening Times
August 11, 2017
SAFE Campaigners in George Square.SAFE (Seek and Find Everyone Abused in Childhood) campainers and survivors highlighting their campaign in George Square. .Picture shows Campaigners and Child Abuse Survivors L-R Tracie Kirkland from Wellbeing Scotland,Yvo |
AN INQUIRY into historic child sex abuse will examine practices at two west of Scotland orphanages during its next stage.
Phase two of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry will hear evidence about two care homes in Lanark and Rutherglen run by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul.
The inquiry has called for applications to give evidence about practices at Smyllum Park in Lanark and Rutherglen’s Bellevue House.
It has previously been reported that children who lived at the Smyllum Park orphanage endured years of harrowing treatment and abuse.
More than 100 children are believed to have been buried near the site in unmarked graves.
At Bellevue House, former residents previously described equally horrific abuse with some comparing the orphanage to a wartime concentration camp.
Survivors from the homes will give evidence to the inquiry in private when stage two starts on November 28.
As previously reported by the Evening Times, survivors of child abuse from Glasgow gathered in June to mark the start of the inquiry’s public hearings.
They staged a campaign in George Square, urging fellow survivors to come forward and seek help, reminding people they did not have to suffer alone.
More than 70 people came forward to speak to the SAFE (Seek and Find Everyone) group during the event.
It was announced yesterday that the first phase of the investigations will begin again on October 31, and will include expert evidence from Professor Kenneth Norrie and Professor Andrew Kendrick, both of Strathclyde University.
In a statement, the inquiry said: “The Inquiry will continue to take statements from survivors in private sessions and from a range of other witnesses.
“Details of the other case studies in Phase 2 and about future phases will be announced in due course.
“Members of the public do not need leave to appear to listen and watch hearings from the public areas in the inquiry venue.
“They are welcome to do so at any time.
“There is no reserved seating in the public area and it is not necessary to notify the inquiry of attendance in advance.”
Those who do wish to attend are able to so from 9.30am at the third floor of Rosebery House, Haymarket Terrace in Edinburgh.