Dave Sablan to seminary occupants: pay rent or get out

By Krystal Paco
August 9, 2017

[with video]

One longtime advocate for transparency in the Church speaks out about what he's calling "freeloaders". The property in question is the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona.

Pay rent or get out - that's the sentiment from Concerned Catholics of Guam President David Sablan, who told KUAM News, "We have this property now that is back in the church patrimony. That is the Yona property, where the Redemptoris Mater Seminary is situated. We still have people staying there."

Sablan has written to RMS leadership to find out who's staying in the former hotel and has yet to receive a response. He alleges the group consists of members of the Neocatechumenal Way, including missionaries, seminarians, and presbyters.

Though their operations are no longer financially supported by the Archdiocese, he reports they use the space free of charge. "A free hotel for a bunch of freeloaders from around the world," he strongly stated. Sablan takes issue with this considering 14 Catholic schools and all Catholic parishes are being assessed fees to keep Church operations afloat.

"Here they are, staying at the RMS rent-free, exposing actually the archdiocese and the church to liability risks, on the other hand we're charging our school kids to cough up some money to pay off old debts that is now been assumed by the archdiocese," he said. Sablan added, "In my opinion, this is another type of abuse of our children. If we are going to charge them now to pay our old debts. They should be kept out of this - there should be other ways and means."

Though Sablan suspects Catholic school enrollment will go down as a result of increased fees, Archdiocese Communications Director Tony Diaz says they have yet to gauge the numbers since not all Catholic schools are back in session.

As reported, the RMS property is also up for sale amid the nearly 100 clergy sex abuse lawsuits lodged against the Church. The Church recently released a list of 41 non-essential church assets, the RMS at the top of the list and likely their top-ticket item.

KUAM files show the property, once valued at $75 million, though Church officials won't confirm its present appraised value.

KUAM called the RMS and asked to speak with the rector. Our calls were not returned as of news time.



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