George Pell to make history through Melbourne court appearance
By Brett Mcleod
9 News
July 26, 2017
Cardinal George Pell. |
[with video]
If, as expected, George Pell walks into the Melbourne Magistrates Court this morning, he will make history.
Never before has a Cardinal appeared in a courtroom to answer charges of sex offences. Not in Melbourne, not in Australia, not anywhere else in the world.
Unless special arrangements are made the third-highest ranked member of the Catholic Church – the man dubbed the Vatican’s Accountant – will enter via the front steps, where he will encounter a media contingent which may well be larger than any ever seen on William Street.
While reports of swarms of international media being flown by the planeload into Melbourne are probably overstated, there’s likely to be little room for the Cardinal to walk through the phalanx of cameras and microphones.
Once through the scrum George Pell will join the usually lengthy queue to get into the court building, the court saying its approach will be “business as usual.”
After clearing security screening, he will then take his place in a court that on a regular day is busy, and today is likely to be heaving with bodies: lawyers, the media, other defendants, abuse survivors, the curious.
The court opens for business at 10.00am. George Pell’s case is one of perhaps dozens which will be dealt with before lunchtime. There is no certainty what time his will be heard. He, and we, will know when the associate stands up and says something to the effect of “The case of George Pell.”
It is a minor procedural hearing – a chance for lawyers and police to confer on timetables before the case proceeds. It could be over in less than a minute. But if there is legal argument it could be much longer.
Pell’s defence team is led by arguably Melbourne’s best-known – and best – barrister, Robert Richter QC.
Previous notable clients include underworld figure Mick Gatto, Hoddle Street killer Julian Knight, and Cliff Lockwood, the first Victorian policeman charged with murder while in the line of duty.
His laser-like focus on detail and quietly-spoken but forensic flaying of opponents makes him a formidable presence at the bar table.
A former client noted that Richter seemed to survive on little but coffee and cigarettes during a hearing.
The 76-year-old has repeatedly denied the allegations against him and said he looks forward to clearing his name.
Barring any shock announcements, the outcome of today’s hearing will be a set of dates for the next stages. And a sample of the attention to come for Australia’s most senior Catholic cleric.