| Court Hears Cardinal Pell Intends to Plead Not Guilty
By Sean Davidson
9 News
July 25, 2017
Cardinal George Pell to plead not guilty to historical sex offences
A packed courtroom has heard Cardinal George Pell intends to plead not guilty to charges of historical sexual offences.
Cardinal Pell today made history as the first cardinal to face court over such offences, arriving at Melbourne Magistrates Court flanked by police who escorted him through a packed scrum of waiting journalists and demonstrators.
The court heard the case for less than six minutes, as the third-highest ranking member of the Catholic Church sat silently behind his defence team, including top Melbourne lawyer Robert Richter.
The 76-year-old looked back at the crowded room once before staring straight ahead during the proceedings
A crushing media scrum followed Cardinal Pell to his lawyers office following the court appearance.
Chaotic scenes as Cardinal George Pell arrives for first court appearance
Mr Richter today reiterated that Cardinal Pell intends to plead not guilty to the charges of historical sexual offences when the time comes.
"For the avoidance of doubt and because of the interest, might I indicate that Cardinal Pell will plead not guilty to all the charges and will maintain his presumed innocence that he has," Mr Richter told the court.
A deadline of September 8 has been given for police and prosecutors to provide their brief of evidence to Pell and his legal team.
"I can indicate that it is my expectation the brief will be delivered well before, possibly late next week," prosecutor Andrew Tinney SC said.
Reporters surround a demonstrator outside court. (Image: Sean Davidson)
Circled by police, Cardinal Pell walked with his head down towards his lawyers office.
Cardinal George Pell.
Cardinal Pell had not been required to attend court for the brief hearing today and could have opted to have his lawyers attend without him.
He will appear in court next on October 6, when a committal mention will get underway.
Police surrounded the Cardinal as he walked back to his lawyer's office through the same crushing group of media and demonstrators that had awaited his arrival.
News cameras flashed incessantly as supporters of abuse victims held placards and clapped and yelled as he both entered and departed the court.
Police have confirmed Cardinal Pell is facing multiple charges from multiple complainants.
He has repeatedly denied the allegations against him and said he looks forward to clearing his name.