| Survivors of Historical Institutional Abuse Call for Action after "Seven Years of Trauma, Pain, Tears and Uncertainty"
Derry Now
July 5, 2017
Survivors of historical institutional abuse in Northern Ireland have called for the recommendations contained in the Historical Institutional Abuse Report to be introduced.
Despite urging for movement following the publication of the report the process has been delayed due to the collapse of the power-sharing Executive at Stormont.
Various issues including reparations for victims remain outstanding.
Jon McCourt Chairperson of Survivors (North West) said: "With another deadline having passed at the ongoing discussions at Stormont, it is time to have some mechanism developed that will deliver on the recommendations contained in the Historical Institutional Abuse Report.
"We now will probably go to the end of the Westminster summer recess before any discussion starts on developing a way forward.
"Sir Anthony Hart's final salvo on Sunday 30th June to the Secretary of State encouraging him to move urgently on the recommendations should have been something that James Brokenshire should have publicly responded to.
"Three weeks earlier Sir Anthony made the same appeal to the leaders of the political parties. We had discussions with some of the parties last week and were assured that they were keen to see movement towards a resolution. While not keen to see this fall into the hands of the Secretary of State and a Northern Ireland Office Minister, the patience of Victims and Survivors of Historical Institutional Abuse is not inexhaustible.
"While aware that their are many issues involved in the talks and we have been informed that the HIA Report has been mentioned at every meeting but we need to see greater urgency, particularly dealing with all of the recommendations in the HIA Report. At this time, no budget has been sought or secured to meet the redress element of the recommendations.
"Interestingly as Sir Anthony Hart pointed out, the Prime Minster stated in the House of Commons on 8th February, “I am sure, looking ahead, that whatever is necessary will be done to ensure that the findings of the report are taken into account and acted upon.”
"Also 'during the Assembly debate on the Report on 23 January 2017 all the speakers welcomed the Report, and supported its speedy implementation'.
"The Secretary of State in his statement today (yesterday) alluded to a significant underspend that he must reallocate in the near future. Would it not be possible to use that money to initiate the recommended Redress Process as a measure of good faith. Then ensure a budget is secured to complete the process so that it meets the needs of Victims and Survivors.
"That will mean establishing a Redress Board, a Commissioner for Victims and Survivors of Historical Institutional Abuse and passing legislation as recommended, to ensure that those, who for whatever reason, did not register with the HIA Inquiry, can be included in reparations.
"Victims and Survivors stand ready to engage in consultations with whatever administration transpires, to assist the process move forward. Theresa May, The Secretary of State and elected members of the Assembly need to step up and meet the public commitments they have given.
"When we met with the former First Minister, Peter Robinson and the late Deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness in June 2010 they both promised us their support to see this through. At that meeting both promised 'We won't let you down', we have counted on those words from that day.
"This was not a promise in an election manifesto that could be disregarded as an inconvenience, this was a commitment that Victims and Survivors have counted on being delivered for 7 years. 7 years of trauma, pain, tears and uncertainty. According to Sir Anthony Hart 12 of those who registered with the Inquiry died before the Report was released. We expect delivery on that commitment.