| Mark Sutton Qc Publishes His Review
Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
July 3, 2017
Mark Sutton QC has today (July 3) issued a public statement on his report into the Inquiry’s safeguarding and dignity at work procedures. You can find it here on the Old Square Chambers website.
Inquiry Chair Alexis Jay has issued this statement in response:
“I acknowledge the findings of Mark Sutton QC’s independent report into the Inquiry’s safeguarding and dignity at work procedures. In particular, I note his conclusions that the Inquiry’s response was appropriate and proportionate and that there is no foundation whatsoever to the suggestion that we were reluctant to challenge misconduct or abuse of power.
“I hope this report gives reassurance to victims, survivors and all those interested in our vital work that the issues around the former leading counsel’s departure were handled appropriately by the Inquiry.
“The Inquiry remains fully focused on its busy programme of work this year and we look forward to using public hearings, seminars and Truth Project sessions to challenge and confront institutional failings which have exposed children to sexual abuse.”