| Will Priests Discuss George Pell at Sunday Mass?
By Emily Woods
Brisbane Times
June 30, 2017
Tens of thousands of Victorians will go to mass this weekend, just days after Australia's highest ranking Catholic was charged with historical sex abuse.
But how will Catholic priests address the allegations against Cardinal George Pell, if they address them at all?
Geelong's St Mary of the Angels Father Kevin Dillon.
Father Brendan Reed, from Our Lady of Good Counsel and All Hallows in Balwyn, said he would discuss the news, as "you can't pretend it's not happening".
"I think people want to know what their priests are thinking when things like this come out in the public," he said.
Balwyn parish priest Father Brendan Reed. Photo: Josh Robenstone
"I'll be saying that I think we should have faith and trust in our judicial and legal system, that a just outcome is what everybody is hoping for, for all parties concerned."
Father Reed said he would also point members of his parish to places where they can get support if they have suffered abuse.
"Many parishes are in the process of rolling out child safety policies, so this would be a good opportunity to let people know what they are," he said.
"What you worry about at the end of the day is the safety and care of those who will feel the pain of whatever they have felt in the past."
Father Kevin Dillon, priest at Geelong's St Mary of the Angels, has aired his thoughts in the weekly newsletter.
"People come to church and they're part of the church in order to get solace and comfort, and it's a particularly tricky area as you're talking about a court case," he said.
"It's a bit easier to write about it, you can measure your words in writing."
In the church's July 2 newsletter, which will be distributed at mass this weekend, Father Dillon writes: "There can be a difference, difficult to articulate, between being 'surprised' and being 'shocked"', in relation to news of the charges.
"So the announcement on Thursday that Victoria Police have issued charges against the Cardinal might not have come as a surprise, but nonetheless have shocked many people - especially Catholics, and especially Catholics who love their Church," he wrote.
"The charges will proceed in the usual and appropriate way, with the presumption of innocence and an opportunity for both prosecution and defence cases to be heard. The hearing associated with the charges may well proceed quite slowly, as can often be the case.
"This will be demanding and harrowing for all concerned. But the hearing and associated publicity will also continue to generate the deep sadness (to say the least) felt by so many people (not only Catholics) over the past three or four decades."
He writes that it would be understandable for some people of faith "to walk away in anguish."
"They would be simply expressing their deep distress that the Church they have loved, and may still love, should be in such pain - and they themselves can't take any more pain," the priest wrote.
An assistant priest from a church north of Melbourne, who asked not to be named, said he would stick to the gospel and would not be touching the subject.
He said most of his parish were not interested in the news, and instead attended church for spiritual enlightenment.
Director of media and communications at the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne Shane Healy said parish priests had neither been gagged, nor instructed on what to say to their congregation at this weekend's services.
"A lot of people outside the Catholic faith, while they look in from the outside and would be appalled at some of the things they have seen over the years with the child abuse scandal, what they don't realise ... there is enormous great work going on in every parish, in every diocese," Mr Healy said.
"I think when it comes to this weekend, I am sure the many priests in the Archdiocese will be very, very keen to assure and make sure the people in their parishes understand that, yes, this is a difficult time, but they will be looking to be as good, as strong a pastor and a leader of the flock as they humanly can be."?