| Anthony Foster Was a Tireless Fighter for Truth and Justice
By Judy Courtin
Sydney Morning Herald
June 16, 2017
Never has the fight for justice been so acknowledged and celebrated than at the state funeral on June 7 of Anthony Foster. This remarkable man, who died from a brain haemorrhage on May 28, two days after he collapsed, was only 64. His sudden death is shattering for his beautiful family and it leaves the entire community grieving.
Chrissie and Anthony Foster after a hearing of the parliamentary inquiry. Photo: Justin McManus
For 21 years, Anthony and his beloved wife Chrissie fought for justice, not only for their daughters Emma and Katie but for all victims of institutional child sexual abuse. They could not have predicted in 1996 that they would still be fighting the Catholic Church in 2017.
Throughout those years, Anthony and Chrissie were valiant in their lionhearted fight with what continues to be a legalistic and cold-hearted hierarchy. Denials, obfuscations and the protection of assets and reputations have remained paramount.
Premier Daniel Andrews speaks at the state funeral for Anthony Foster at the Melbourne Recital Centre. Photo: Justin McManus
In 1996, 14-year-old Emma Foster disclosed that she had been raped by the now-deceased parish priest of Oakleigh, Kevin O'Donnell, from the age of five. The disclosure came 12 months after O'Donnell, was charged with numerous counts of child sexual assaults. Emma took her life at 26 after a traumatic teenage and young adult life filled with despair, self-harming and drug addiction.
In November 1997, when Katie Foster was 14, it was discovered that she too had been raped by O'Donnell from the age of six. Katie, also greatly troubled, was hit by a car and 18 years later still receives 24-hour care.
After more than a decade of church lies and resistance, Chrissie, with Paul Kennedy, co-authored Hell on the Way to Heaven – the heartbreaking story of her family's suffering and their determination to stand up against the might of the Catholic Church.
As the church hierarchy became increasingly recalcitrant, community pressure mounted. Chrissie and Anthony, with many others, campaigned tirelessly to bring about the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Organisations in 2012, followed closely by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Anthony and Chrissie devoted their lives to attending and giving evidence to these inquiries. They supported many survivors and victims' groups throughout the country and accompanied survivors from Ballarat to Rome to witness Cardinal George Pell's evidence to the royal commission. They wrote letters and opinion pieces and gave countless interviews. What a tour de force this couple was in their fight for truth and justice.
Anthony Foster, born on January 12, 1953 in Oakleigh, was the third child of Ken and Joyce Foster who emigrated from the UK with his sister Carol, born in 1945, and brother Brian, born in 1947.
Despite being baptised into the Methodist faith, Anthony became an atheist.
Anthony attended Bayview State School in Mount Waverley and matriculated from Waverley High School. Encouraged by his father, Anthony joined the Scouts. At 16 he was awarded the highest honour from the Governor of Victoria and became a Queen's Scout, his leadership skills already evident at an early age.
A course in surveying at RMIT failed to challenge Anthony, whereupon he moved into electronics, heating, ventilation and plumbing.
At 21 he joined his parents' business, Ken Foster Heating, one of the first hydronic heating businesses in Australia, established in 1965. The highly innovative Anthony took over the business in 1983 and Foster Hydronic Heating expanded rapidly, winning The Age/Dun and Bradstreet Award for Construction Related Industries in 1999.
Anthony was known as the "Dick Smith of Oakleigh", so adept was he at all things mechanical, electrical and electronic. He was an active member of the Master Plumbers Association, including on its ethics committee, and was a highly respected member of the Victorian Building Authority.
Six weeks after Chrissie and Anthony met in 1980, he proposed. They married within months. "We fell in love so quickly," Chrissie tells me. "He lit up my life and made me feel whole and confident. He nurtured and nourished me."
Emma was born in November 1981, Katie in July 1983 and Aimee in March 1985.
Chrissie and Anthony were married for almost 37 years and their love only grew stronger. For Chrissie, Anthony was funny, intelligent, entertaining. He was a protector, an enabler.
Anthony was everything his adversaries were not – a courageous bearer of the truth, compassionate, principled, dignified and steadfast and loyal in his life with Chrissie.
Anthony's daughters adored him. "He was a fantastic dad," Katie says. "He was a great listener and I felt totally understood by dad and I could talk with him about anything." Only five days after her father died, Katie persisted with her study and art classes because she knew her dad would want that. "He taught us about persistence and to keep going when the going got tough."
Aimee said: "He was the best dad ever; incredibly warm and loving and always told us how much he loved us. He never lectured or preached and taught us through his actions. His patience and generosity were extraordinary."
If it weren't for Anthony's encouragement, she says, she would not have told her personal story to the royal commission, which she found healing and life-changing.
When Aimee met her future husband Luke, Anthony got so excited – finally, another "bloke" to complement the otherwise all-female tribe. Luke, through tears, tells of his close relationship with his father-in-law. "The five years we spent building this house together felt more like 15.
"My relationship with Anthony was pure and strong. He taught us how to be the best parents."
The week before he died, Anthony spoke proudly of his grandchildren, Leo (three) and Ivy (13 months). "They bring me such joy," he said. Engrossed for hours in Anthony's hobby room, Leo assembled children's electronic kits and pulled apart electric switches. Rain, hail or shine, Leo insisted he "drive" the tractor at Tonimbuk, the hobby farm Anthony always wanted.
When Ivy arrived, Anthony was always there to hold her and rock her to sleep, cradling her in his arms. He also got to see Ivy blossom and learn how to say "Gradaaa!". Anthony was filled with joy.
Anthony respected and was devoted to his parents. His extended family spoke of his caring, generosity, intelligence, sharp wit and great sense of justice. "To know Anthony was to love him," said his mother-in-law, Dawn. Anthony was the rock in the family.
Not content with fixing things mechanical and electrical, Anthony wanted to master them. Known as "flat-out Foster", he connected with his often-dormant "lad" when he drove boats and cars very fast. Licensed to pilot small planes, Anthony enjoyed many weekend "fly-aways" to Merimbula to fish and have fun.
He was a keen listener and collaborator, but according to his mates, he could also be "a bit bloody minded": "Be reasonable! See it my way."
Anthony helped establish the very successful Oakleigh Community Rotary Sunday Market in 1987 and became president of the Oakleigh Rotary Club in 1990.
In the late 1980s Anthony was the inaugural president of the Sacred Heart Association for Parents for Education (SHAPE) at his girls' school in Oakleigh, a commitment not diminished by his atheism.
In 2014, Anthony became a member of the Human Rights Advisory Committee and an ambassador for Funds in Court [FIC] of the Supreme Court of Victoria. FIC administers funds for and on behalf of people under a disability and victims of crime. Anthony's association had its genesis, tragically, in Katie's accident when she was hit by a car and suffered a serious brain injury.
In a courageous interview in November 2012, Anthony spoke candidly of the impacts on his masculinity and sexuality due to the sex crimes committed on his daughters. He said: "It's changed the way I feel about the power of male sexuality ... how could I possibly take enjoyment from this knowing that someone did this to my daughters in an horrific way?"
Anthony's messages were of an industrial strength. He was stubbornly persistent yet dignified. As with everything in his life, he never gave up.
Journalist Tess Lawrence opined that although Anthony Foster was Australia's Atticus Finch he was no replica of any other hero, save our own. He became the champion of thousands as a community leader who spoke truth to power.
His secular state funeral rightly honoured and acknowledged this great man. It also served as a state and secular salute to all victims of child sexual abuse, their families and their struggle for justice – just as Anthony would have wanted.
Vale Anthony Foster, your legacy will endure.