Methodist Church apologises to victims of 'hypnosis' sex abuse minister John Price of Bedale
By Andrew Douglas
Darlingtand StocktTimes
June 16, 2017
APOLOGY: Methodist Church has apologised after Rev John Price was jailed at Teesside Crown Court for using hypnosis to sexually abuse boys |
THE Methodist Church last night apologised to the victims of pervert minister and mentor John Price jailed this week for abusing four boys.
One of the victims reported the then-Reverend for his sexual advances towards him, but was told he was “being silly” and his claims were ignored by bosses.
He said in an impact statement that he bravely read to Teesside Crown Court: “I was sent away with a flea in my ear, and made to feel even more worthless.”
The court heard how the victim - now a middle-aged man, with severe psychological damage - reported the abuse three times before it was taken seriously.
He told how the abuse had left him in “a chasm of absolute despair”, and said: “Within a short time he destroyed everything I had come to believe in - other people, the church and God himself. He shattered everything positive I had about myself.”
Price, 82, of Ash Tree Close in Bedale, North Yorkshire, was found guilty of 13 counts of indecent assault dating back to the 1970s and 1980s, and was jailed for eight-and-a-half years.
Judge Howard Crowson told the elderly widower that as a minister he had been expected to show compassion and care for the boys, but instead he abused them.
In a statement, the Methodist Church said: “The Methodist Church continues to work through cases that have been brought to its attention as a result of the Past Case Review into non-recent abuse within the church.
“Significant work has also been undertaken to reduce the possibility of the church being used by those who are intent on using it as a means to harm others, and to ensure that all safeguarding concerns are fully investigated in a timely manner.
“With the conclusion of this trial, the church will consider the most appropriate action to take regarding the Revd John Price’s position as a minister.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with all those involved with, and affected by, the trial.”
Price used hypnosis on the youngsters before abusing them after finding ways of being alone with them.
The court was told he claimed he could help them with stress, and physical or emotional pain before using a cloak or blanket as part of his hypnosis technique.
The attacks happened at his manse, in the vestry or at the boys’ homes when he was a minister in the York district area, said prosecutor Paul Newcombe.
The victims said they were not hypnotised but immobilised with shock and “frozen with fear” at the minister’s actions.
Another accuser said he believed Price had targeted him at a time when his mother was dying of cancer because he thought he was vulnerable.
The court was told after abusing the boys, Price would often tell them that if they ever found themselves about to mention what had happened, their minds would go blank and they would forget.
The Rev Dr Martyn Atkins, the secretary of the Methodist Conference and general secretary, said: “On behalf of the Methodist Church in Britain I want to express an unreserved apology for the failure of its current and earlier processes fully to protect children, young people and adults from physical and sexual abuse inflicted by some ministers.
“That abuse has been inflicted by some Methodists on children, young people and adults is and will remain a deep source of grief and shame to the church.
“We have not always listened properly to those abused or cared for them, and this is deeply regrettable. In respect of these things we have, as a Christian church, clearly failed to live in ways glorify God and honour Christ.”