| JUDGE Hears Pretrial Arguments in Friar Abuse Case
By Katie O'Toole
June 15, 2017
Judge Jolene Grubb Kopriva heard arguments for pretrial motions Wednesday in the case of three Franciscan priest accused of covering up for an alleged child sex abuser.
Brother Stephen Baker, who has since killed himself, was accused of molesting more than 100 children. He did so while at schools where the three priests had allowed him to work.
Giles Schinelli, Robert D'Aversa and Anthony Criscitelli are each charged with endangering the welfare of children, and criminal conspiracy.
The defense asked for a change in venue Wednesday due to the local public opinion and knowledge about the case, but Kopriva suggested that decision would be too premature.
She also said any other city might bring the same problems since child sex abuse is widespread.
"There is not a community in the nation that is not wrestling with this issue," Korpriva told the defense.
The defense also said there is insufficient evidence to substantiate the charges.
D'Aversa's attorney, Pittsburgh-based Robert Ridge, said there had been no evidence presented at the preliminary hearing to show the three priests knew Baker was a danger to children, and there had been no evidence that the three agreed to cover it up.
The attorneys said Schinelli found out that there had been an allegation in Minnesota, and he requested more information and evidence. There was none.
Still, Schinelli sent Baker to be evaluated by a doctor the Federal Bureau of Investigation uses at the Isaac Ray Center.
The attorneys said that the doctor concluded that Baker was not a pedophile and that he was not a threat to children.
Baker went on to be a religion teacher at Bishop McCort Catholic High School in Johnstown. The prosecution said the priests never notified the school's principal about the allegation. The defense argued they did not mention it because it was an unsubstantiated claim.
Deputy Attorney General Daniel Dye argued that the three were the ones in charge, all having been Minister Provincial, and called that role "vital" to the case.
Baker also worked at the Logan Valley Mall in Altoona. The defense said he was given morning shifts so that children would still be in school and away from the mall.
The commonwealth argued that since there were plans like this to keep him away from children, the priests knew he was a danger to children.
A few people held signs outside the courthouse representing, Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests, also known as SNAP.
Thomas Vendetti represented Faithful Catholics Against Pedophilia. He wore a garb with the Virgin Mary on the front, and held a sign that said, "Who killed Baker?"
He said he urges the Diocese, and the Catholic Church as a whole, to better prevent this from happening again.
"We're as parents entrusting our children and being completely violated is a horrible experience and so many of these families they don't even go to church anymore because it's just been so devastating," he said.
Vendetti said he is a former Youth Minster, and said that he had been told to take a group of children to a retreat with Baker, not knowing about the allegations against him. He called it a "creepy experience."
Earlier this year, the Diocese partnered with the Department of Justice to better handle allegations.
The two organized a new reporting protocol that includes a requirement for the diocese to report allegations of abuse to law enforcement within 12 hours.