| Campaigner against Child Abuse Anthony Foster Farewelled at State Funeral in Melbourne
By Kathryn Powley
Herald Sun
June 7, 2017
Mourners at the state funeral for Anthony Foster. Picture: AAP
ANTHONY Foster, a man who tirelessly spoke up for those with no voice and who comforted countless families in pain, has been farewelled at an emotional state funeral.
Mr Foster, 64, was remembered as a passionate and committed advocate for victims of child sexual abuse.
All who paid tribute to Mr Foster at his funeral at the Melbourne Recital Centre spoke of the powerful voice he and wife Christie developed as they fought for justice for survivors, including for their own daughters, Emma and Katie, who were childhood victims of prolific paedophile priest Father Kevin O’Donnell.
Sadly daughter Emma died of suicide aged 26 and Katie was disabled after being hit by a drunk driver in 1999.
Mr and Mrs Foster were instrumental in bringing about the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and their work to expose abuse in the church led to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Organisations.
Mr Foster died on May 26 after a fall.
Premier Daniel Andrews said Mr and Mrs Foster had always showed integrity, strength, grace and extraordinary courage.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews pays tribute. Picture: AAP
They had placed their own unimaginable tragedy behind them to fight for others to be listened to and believed.
“Remarkably, despite everything they endured themselves, they dedicated their lives to other victims,” Mr Andrews said.
The Fosters fought for every child and every family that been broken by “perpetrators and their defenders” who continued to deny and hide the truth.
“Anthony and Chrissie shone a powerful light on one of our darkest chapters,” Mr Andrews said.
Together they had helped transform victims into survivors.
“Just as Anthony gave up, neither will we,” the Premier added.
Child abuse Royal Commission chairman Justice Peter McClellan told about 700 mourners that
Mr Foster’s daughter, Katie, told mourners he was ‘giving’ and ‘generous’. Picture: AAP
Mr Foster’s legacy could already be seen in the changes institutions were making to protect children from abuse and to respond to those who had suffered abuse in the past.
“Anthony was a loving and good man,” he said.
“He was gentle, courageous and caring.
“Anthony’s legacy will be realised by a just response for all those who were abused in an institution.
“This must include a commitment by the Australian community that these terrible crimes should never happen again.”
The Fosters attended Royal Commission hearings to support victims, and Justice McClellan often observed Mr Foster offer comfort to others as evidence became difficult to hear or give.
Mr Foster’s close friend John van Raay described him as a “quintessential family man, atheist and plumber”.
“He began a legacy which lifted the hopes of many devastated innocent childhoods from the deepest chasms of their humanity,” Mr van Raay said.
Katie Foster thanked her dad for always making her feel special.
“You were so smart and wise and giving and generous man,” she said.
Her sister, Aimee Foster, said: “Family was Dad’s sole purpose and his soul’s purpose.
“He took his pain and turned it inside out and clutched tightly to empathy and justice.”
Tim Seccull QC, who represented the Fosters as they fought for justice for their girls, said Mr Foster had provided a kind and passionate voice for children and families forgotten, but it shouldn’t have been necessary for him to have done that.
“All it would have taken was for the institution vested with responsibility to have acted responsibly,” Mr Seccull said.