Cries of 'witch-hunt' ring hollow for Catholic clergy survivors
By Louise Milligan
Sydney Morning Herald
June 01, 2017
The allegations against Australia's most senior Catholic, Cardinal George Pell, are at least worth a look. Photo: Alessandra Tarantino |
When you write a book which details allegations of paedophilia against a man who was once one of the nation's most powerful people, curious things happen. One of the crazier things is a tiny circle of people who still unquestioningly defend this person, saying he could not possibly have committed acts they know nothing about and accuse you of leftist bias.
How on god's green earth, you ask yourself, did the prospect that someone might have abused children suddenly become a matter of left and right?
Let this be known: George Pell's politics are of zero interest to me. But this is Australia's most senior Catholic cleric. He's a man who for years was telling the rest of us how to live our lives – not least how to live our sex lives (a matter with which, as I document in Cardinal: The Rise and Fall of George Pell, he was somewhat preoccupied). He has been accused many times of abusing little kids.
Those accusations now form part of a comprehensive investigation by Victoria Police's Taskforce SANO. I think that warrants a look. It often occurs to me that this band of defenders, who shrink with each day in number as the allegations pile up, have painted themselves into a corner and now flail about, trying to come up with something to throw back at those who would tumble down their rather shaky house of cards.
But it also strikes me that when you are someone, like they are, who interprets everything in the world from a single, unshakeable, ideological standpoint, you make the erroneous assumption that everyone else does too. Here's the thing: I don't. Journalists, unlike people who rant at clouds for a living, are constantly required to look into things that perhaps challenge our world view.
I cannot make it more clear: When I first discovered there was a police investigation against Cardinal Pell, I did not believe the allegations it to be true. I set about at first making calls because I was asked to in my line of work, thinking they would be perfunctory and pointless.
But as the months wore on, and I spent more time speaking with the men who make these accusations and all the other people I spoke to for my book whose number runs into the hundreds, I began to think that these were, in fact, a very troubling set of allegations and that I should do my level best to find out more.
Along with assumption that this is all a leftist conspiracy is the idea that it is an anti-Catholic exercise. The same Church my father loves and remains committed to, that I grew up in? The same Church inhabited by the very good men of the cloth to whom I spoke for this book, who care about their parishioners so deeply? The same Church that inspired my Irish Catholic Nana to send my Mum down the street to give money to the poor people on Christmas Day even though she had barely enough to keep her eleven children? No.
And what about the bandied-about notion, which I find lazy, of "trial by media"? At the time of writing the book, and certainly of publishing it, Taskforce SANO is yet to charge George Pell with any crimes. There is no trial process in train and the law is long-settled that the criminal justice process has not begun.
There is also a long history of people making complaints in the public domain to investigative journalists about these sorts of crimes. It did not impede fair trials for the people they accused – including the sorry list of Catholic priests and brothers who stole children's innocence.
The Cardinal is entitled to the presumption of innocence at law and will have it, however the cards may fall.
For survivors of Catholic clergy, the cries of "trial by media" or "witch-hunt" ring hollow. Every single one I have spoken to since this book was published tells me that if it weren't for journalists, there would be fewer arrests, no Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, no state inquiries, not even a Taskforce SANO, which is investigating Pell – as it came out of the Victorian Parliament's child abuse inquiry.
If Cardinal Pell is charged, my book will be withdrawn from circulation in the Victorian jurisdiction and will only be reissued at the conclusion of that process. Victoria Police's Chief Commissioner, Graham Ashton, indicated last week that a decision is "imminent".
The reality is that there has been extensive reporting on child abuse within the Catholic Church in the print and electronic media for many years. This book is simply my contribution to the meticulous investigative journalism that continues to document this tragic and shameful history.
Finally, to those who jump, without hesitation, to the defence of Cardinal Pell and assume that his accusers are "deluded" or "confused" or hold some maniacal vendetta: As stated above, George Pell is entitled to the presumption of innocence, but that does not mean that his accusers deserve to be summarily dismissed in the way that children almost always had been until the royal commission turned decades of silence and obfuscation and failure-to-believe on its head.