Former Ayrshire priest faces historic sex abuse charges with allegations of attacks at schools and leisure centres
Daily Record
May 23, 2017
High Court in Glasgow |
A former priest at St Quivox Catholic Church in Prestwick has denied historic sex abuse.
Father Francis Moore, 81, was appointed to the parish in 1996.
Last week his lawyer Marco Guarino tendered not guilty pleas at the High Court in Glasgow.
The charges include a boy being attacked at a primary school in North Ayrshire and another at a leisure centure.
A third boy says he was a victim of Moore at Irvine Beach.
The offences are said to be have happened between 1977 and 81 when the boys were aged 5-13.
He is further accused of indecently assaulting a student priest between 1995 and 1996.
He faces trial in December.