Urgent plea to Irish adoptees and "home children" in US to tell their stories
By Dara Kelly
May 21, 2017
Black-and-white photograph of three infants sitting on a lawn. |
[with video]
Were you adopted from Ireland? Or are you a mother whose child was adopted because you were unmarried there?
Were you born in a Mother and Baby Home, a County Home or similar place in Ireland?
Or are you a relative of an adopted person from Ireland? Or did you once work for an institution or agency involved with unmarried mothers and their children there?
The Adoption Rights Alliance and the Justice for Magdalenes Research group launched Clann in 2016 to gather the data and submit a group report to the ongoing Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes and Certain Related Matters in Ireland.
Clann is assisting individuals affected by or involved with the treatment of unmarried mothers and their children to provide evidence to the ongoing commission.
For current witnesses already engaged in the process with the organizations, this means that they must respond to any questions from Hogan Lovells law group about the drafts of their statement, or their consent form as soon as possible.
New witnesses should email statements@clannproject.org as soon as they can if they need further assistance drafting their statements, as the process can take at least a number of weeks to complete.
All witnesses who wish to have their experiences included in the group submission will need to have their statement completed by 31st August.