| Pell Publicity an Abuse of Process, Warns Pearson
By Dennis Shanahan
The Australian
May 20, 2017
Noel Pearson has delivered an impassioned plea for fair treatment for George Pell as concern grows about “journalistic vigilantism” in the form of allegations that risk undermining any chance of a fair trial.
The indigenous rights campaigner, lawyer and respected public advocate says what is happening to Cardinal Pell is “just not right”, and an abuse of process that threatens everyone’s rights.
“Those who seek truth and justice for victims of abuse should be alarmed at the way this journalistic vigilantism imperils fair legal process,” Mr Pearson said.
He said he was ashamed “more of us” had not spoken out and lifted “our heads above the parapets to face the certitude of these latter-day Robespierres”.
The Law Institute of Victoria has also raised concerns about publicity jeopardising Cardinal Pell’s chance of a fair trial should he face an Australian court.