| Inquiry into Sexual Abuse of Children Calls for Victims in South West to Come Forward
By Carl_Eve
The Herald
May 12, 2017
Inquiry chiefs are keen to hear from survivors of child sexual abuse
A wide-ranging inquiry into the sexual abuse of children in the South West needs victims and survivors to come forward and tell of their experiences.
A number of organisations attended a workshop earlier this week where staff from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) urged them to reach out to their clients and urge them to take park in the inquiry's Truth Project.
Groups like the Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services, Intercom Trust and North Devon Against Domestic Abuse were asked to help inform survivors who stories and experiences will hopefully inform recommendations to government in an effort to improve upon past failures by the authorities.
David Poole, head of the South West Inquiry office said the meeting included more than a dozen different organisations where they discussed how to work together to encourage victims and survivors to speak out and have their voices heard.
While the Truth Project had been hearing from victims around the country for more than 18 months, the South West inquiry only opened its Exeter office in February and Mr Poole said he was keen to see it reach out to all parts of Devon and Cornwall.
He revealed that while 700 people had expressed an interest in the scheme, 315 had actually participated in the private sessions where their experiences were recorded.
Of those, only 26 in the South West had so far recorded their own horrific childhood tales of sexual abuse and how they were then treated by the authorities of the time.
Mr Poole accepted that many people still did not know of the existence of the inquiry and the Truth Project.
In response to questions from The Herald he also recognised the inquiry was lacking in knowledge about specific high profile cases in the South West – such as the appalling large scale abuse carried out by businessman William Goad over four decades and the wide-scale sexual abuse which was perpetrated at institutions like Forde Park, a Home Office-run approved school in Newton Abbot, which closed in 1985.
The IICSA South West inquiry boss appeared unaware of William Goad investigation and legacy
The three-year police investigation into a number of Devon and Cornwall institutions including Forde Park – known as Operation Lentisk – cost ?3 million.
In 2013 the force answered a Freedom of Information request which noted that the operation covered allegations made against 190 persons by 302 victims at 41 institutions throughout Devon and Cornwall. Of those, eight had been convicted with sentences ranging from six months to 18 years. Three had been found not guilty and one cautioned.
The document noted that "offences charge include, rape, buggery, indecent assault, grievous bodily harm and gross indecency."
The IICSA is described as offering an "unprecedented opportunity to examine the extent to which institutions and organisations in England and Wales have taken seriously their responsibility to protect children."
A wide range of institutions are being examined including "local authorities, the police, the Crown Prosecution Service, the Immigration Service, the BBC, the armed forces, schools, hospitals, children's homes, churches, mosques and other religious organisations, charities and voluntary organisations, regulators and other public and private institutions."
Forde Park approved school - which Goad attended - was the subject of one of Devon and Cornwall Police's biggest investigations into sexual abuse of children
Mr Poole said: "This is not part of the criminal justice process. What we're looking for is people to share their experiences with us. They won't be subject to cross-examination or judged in any way.
"They can say in their own words what has happened to them and their accounts will inform our recommendations."
He said the aim was to examine institutional failings to protect children and failures to respond to those incidents.
He said: "Some [victims] may know about the project but feel uncomfortable in coming forward at this stage of their life to share their experiences.
"For a long time people have not been listened to and their views were brushed under the carpet.
"The Truth Project offers the opportunity to come and share that experience.
"We know that people will find it difficult, very very difficult.
"We have emotional and psychological support to help them through that and have an environment at the Exeter office that is conducive to sharing their experiences."
He urge survivors to get in contact and say where they would prefer to share their story at a mutually agreed time.
Recognising that some of those who take part may have never before shared their painful experiences with any authority or even their own families, he said the IICSA had contracts with organisations who offer support which would immediately kick in after they were contacted.
In addition, the inquiry would, if necessary, make travel and accommodation arrangements for those who may need to come a long way to speak.
Survivors' stories would be digitally recorded on an audio system and then saved to be used as anonymised case studies.
Mr Poole said: "It will be in their own words, at their own pace, the effect this had on them and their families.
"We do ask people if they have any specific recommendations that they would like us to take into account, an observation on institutions and the impact of the abuse; the failings of those institutions; the roles of the organisations which have a physical presence and those that do not; what enabled the abuse to take place; what happened they didn't prevent it; what happened that perpetuated the abuse and why didn't those institutions do anything; how they were not heard and had to remain in those institutions; not being believed and then subjected to further abuse – we want to know about all of that.
Professor Alexis Jay was named as new chairman of IICSA last year
"This inquiry is not here by accident. There have been patterns of abuse over decades and it's been a taboo subject for too long. But it had now started to be talked about in a way that society hasn't in the past and we have to act upon that."
He said the IICSA will make recommendations to Parliament based on the stories it gathers, which the Government and the Prime Minister would be expected to act upon.
He said: "Legislation may need to be changed."
Mr Poole stressed the inquiry was "independent of government" and will make "recommendations that it believes are the best to effect change for children."
He added: "It would be unwise for any future government to ignore any recommendations the inquiry makes."