| Child Safe Training Strengthened in the Diocese of Parramatta
Catholic Outlook
May 3, 2017
The work of safeguarding and protecting minors and other vulnerable people is ongoing and of the highest priority. To strengthen this work, the Diocese of Parramatta has recently lent its support to an important eLearning Initiative organised by the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian. This new online training can be used across parishes, schools, agencies and ministries in the Diocese of Parramatta.
The new training delivery method will help with the ongoing training and development of staff and church personnel around child-protection issues that is already in place in the Diocese. It will also help ensure robust systems are in place to keep children and other vulnerable people safe when they are involved in the activities of the Diocese.
eLearning Initiative
Child Safe training has been highlighted by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse as having a highly important role to play in keeping kids in institutions safe from abuse and neglect.
To complement our face-to-face training, the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian has launched a suite of Child Safe eLeanring packages.