Timetable for Phase 1 of Inquiry hearings
Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
April 20, 2017
We have now added the timetable for Phase 1 of the Inquiry hearings to this website. It can be found in a new section called Hearings.
The evidence to be heard will include:
Evidence from expert witnesses about:
The legislative and regulatory framework governing children in care in Scotland up to 1968;
The early development of care services in Scotland;
Societal attitudes towards children; and
The nature and prevalence of child abuse in Scotland.
Evidence from the Scottish Government on the nature, extent and development of the State’s areas of responsibility for children in residential and foster care in Scotland.
Evidence of the history and governance of a number of care providers, including faith based organisations, and whether there is any retrospective acknowledgement of abuse.
Evidence of the background, development, purpose and work of survivor groups.
This first phase of hearings will begin on 31 May 2017 and run until 12 July 2017.
We have also updated the Costs table to include the Inquiry's expenditure for the period 1 January 2017 to 31 March 2017.