'It's like NAMA for religious people': Economist David McWilliams attacks Sisters Of Charity in National Maternity Hospital row
By Blanaid Murphy
Irish Mirror
April 23, 2017
Economist David McWilliams leaving the banking inquiry at Leinster House in Dublin Photo by Stephen Collins |
Economist David McWilliams today attacked the religious order at the centre of the controversy over the new National Maternity Hospital as landlords with rosary beads.
On the Marian Finucane show on RTE Radio 1 he questioned what the Sisters Of Charity were doing running a property company and why they wouldn’t gift the land to the State. He said: “This is like landlordism with rosary beads. It’s like Nama for religious people. It’s nonsense.
“I can’t understand what do nuns do for money? They extract rent, they’re property developers in this case.
“We have a ridiculous situation where religious orders have developed a property portfolio by levying taxes on the ordinary Joe at church collections,” he said.
The main controversy surrounding the plans to build the new National Maternity Hospital on the grounds currently owned by the religious order centres around ownership. Under the deal - which has not been made public by the Minister for Health Simon Harris - the state would spend in the region of €300m to build the hospital but the SoC would retain ownership of the land.
The Minister has moved to reassure the public insisting that the order would not be able to sell the land after the hospital has been built.
“Now you have a massive of property portfolio of land and we are in a rid situation where we are in a stand-off between the state who is trying to do one job and the religious orders who are trying to do another and at the core of it is money and property.
“Why not, if after everything that’s happened and all the scandals and all the hurt… and the hundreds and thousands of lives that have been scared profoundly by the church’s involvement in the maternity experience let’s just say, just give it to the state.
“We are in a situation where our state is having to go through hoops with a religious order or something that is profoundly urgent in terms of maternity care and it seems to me incongruous in 2017 that we are having this discussion and genuflecting… to the religious order that happens to have inherited the land,” Mr McWilliams said.
Mr McWilliams revealed that when his wife was having their children she opted to go across the border to Belfast because of her lack of trust in the current Irish maternity service.
“In my own case my wife is from the north and she had a choice to have our children in the north or south and she chose the north, our kids were born in Belfast.
“Now I suspect that in the back of her head she was listening to the stories that David is telling, she was aware that there was a conflict she was aware that the position of the mother was not crystal clear if there was a crisis and she went north to have our kids.”