| Obscene Maternity Hospital Deed Is Insult to Magdalene Laundry Survivors
By Pat Flanagan
Irish Mirror
April 21, 2017
People protest outside the Department of Health in Dublin at plans to grant ownership of the new National Maternity Hospital to the Sisters of Charity religious order. (Photo: PA)
Our Government spending ˆ300million of our money to open a Magdalene maternity hospital says all you need to know about Ireland’s attitude towards woman and children.
After the decades of persecution and abuse inflicted on innocent children you’d imagine the last people you would let near women and kids would be the order of nuns which ran the Magdalene Laundries.
Such is the disbelief at the plan to give Sisters of Charity complete ownership of the new National Maternity Hospital that people must be pinching themselves to check it’s not all a bad dream.
Artist impression of the site of the new state-of-the-art children's hospital in Dublin. (Photo: Children’s Hospital Group /PA Wire)
It’s not that it’s bad, it’s not that it’s mad – it is one of the most obscene acts ever committed by an Irish government and a total insult to the Magdalene survivors.
It is not surprising a petition calling for this dirty deed to be undone had been signed by almost 70,000 outraged citizens on Thursday night.
Make no mistake, handing over a hospital into the hands of an organisation that enslaved women is on a par with the dirty deal that let the religious congregations off paying their share of the redress scheme.
After what this order of nuns did in the past they should not be allowed in the same building with women and children never mind owing a hospital which will bring future generations into the world.
Minister for Health Simon Harris TD (Photo: Collins Photo Agency)
They can’t be trusted because after the publication of the Ryan report the Sisters of Charity offered to pay ˆ5million towards the ˆ1.5billion redress bill picked up by the taxpayer.
Last month the Comptroller and Auditor General revealed they paid just ˆ2million. Apparently this failure to pay for the abuses was not even brought up during secret negotiations to give a private company run by the nuns this publicly-funded asset. Why not?
It’s akin to interviewing a candidate for a nursing post and ignoring the fact in their previous employment they were involved in the torture and enslavement of women and children.
So much for there being a separation of Church and State when the reality is both are joined at the hip.
The fact the nuns owned the land at St Vincent’s University hospital where the new facility is to be built is being used by our spineless Health Minister Simon Harris for handing over everything to this notorious order.
This is spurious nonsense. Had they the balls the Government should have slapped a compulsory purchase order and offset the cost against the nuns’ unpaid debt.
Robyn Myna holds a sign as people protest outside the Department of Health in Dublin at plans to grant ownership of the new National Maternity Hospital to the Sisters of Charity religious order. (Photo: Niall Carson/PA Wire)
Dr Rhona Mahony (Photo: Niall Carson/PA Wire)
Dr Rhona Mahony, the master of Holles Street, the current National Maternity Hospital, claimed the facility is “not fit for purpose”.
She’s right but after this decision the country we are all standing in is not fit for purpose either and the Government it is not fit to govern.
This is not unlike the dreadful deal which allowed the banks and developers to dump their debts in the lap of the taxpayer. Despite the assurances the sisters will not interfere with the running of the hospital, I personally wouldn’t believe a word from people who refuse to pay compensation to abuse survivors.
With dramatic constitutional changes regarding abortion legislation this has all the hallmarks of a conspiracy to thwart the will of the people.
Dr Peter Boylan (Photo: Collins Photo Agency)
The former Holles Street master Dr Peter Boylan on Thursday said his concerns about the project have “strengthened” in the last few days.
He warned: “The proposals haven’t been fully agreed yet but I think it’s really essential that women are protected and that there’s absolutely no possibility of any interference by the church or indeed by the minister.”
He also called into question the so-called “golden share” that the Government will hold even though
the nuns will wholly own the building and the land.
Didn’t a previous government claim they had a similar golden share in Aer Lingus? But that didn’t stop it being privatised or stop workers losing their jobs and pensions.
It is not surprising Survivors of the Magdalene Laundries are appalled –everyone with an inkling of justice in their body should be.
At a protest outside the Department of Health yesterday a women held up a banner asking “How could u do this to the women of Ireland?”
Because a previous government colluded with Sisters of Charity and the result was the Magdalene laundries.
This time the result is the Magdalene maternity hospital.