NUN TAKEOVER Sisters of Charity nuns to be given ‘sole ownership’ of new National Maternity Hospital
By Megan Roantree
Irish Sun
April 18, 2017
St Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin |
THE Religious Sisters of Charity Ireland are set to be given “sole ownership” of the new National Maternity Hospital.
The €300million facility will be located at St Vincent’s Hospital grounds at Elm Park in south Dublin.
Proceeds from the sale of Holles Street maternity hospital will go towards funding the new one which is due to start being built in 2021.
The Religious Sisters of Charity organisation still owes €3million to the State redress scheme for victims of institutional abuse, agreed to in 2002 after the Ryan commission investigation.
In 2009, the organisation agreed to pay €5million to former residents of religious institutions.
It was reported last month that they have only paid €2million so far.
Reacting to the news, the Magdalene Survivors Together group today express their deep anger over the decision.
Chairperson Steven O’ Riordan said: “This decision goes beyond belief. How it is possible for a Religious Order who denied so many women any sort of dignity be given sole ownership of our new maternity hospital? Some serious questions need answering on this immediately.”
The Magdalene survivors group is calling on the Government to give an explanation as to why they award the Sister of Charity Ireland “sole ownership” of the new National Maternity Hospital.