Mother and baby home survivors brand Katherine Zappone's decision not to include them in redress scheme as 'immoral'
By James Ward
Irish Mirror
April 12, 2017
Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone TD |
Bessborough Convent |
Protest over the 800 babies found in unmarked grave in Galway |
Mother and Baby Home survivors have branded Zappone's decision not to include them in a redress scheme recommended by the inquiry as immoral repulsive and cold blooded."
The second report from the Commission on Mother and Baby Homes was released on Tuesday, despite having sat with the Children’s Minister since last September.
It said the Government should re-examine the decision to exclude children who lived without their mothers in the hellhole homes from the 2002 Residential Institutions Redress Scheme.
Minister Zappone said it was “not possible” to implement the recommendation.
She added: “The Government is conscious that the Commission has made no findings to date regarding abuse or neglect, and believes it would not be appropriate to deal with the question of redress in advance of any conclusions on this issue by the Commission.”
The Coalition of Mother and Baby Homes Survivors (CMABS) are furious at her response, saying “all this refusal does is kick the can down the road while waiting for more and more elderly survivors to die.”
In a statement, they said: “The Coalition of Mother And Baby home Survivors utterly reject Minister Catherine Zappone’s dishonest dismissal of the Inquiry’s strong recommendation of immediate Redress to an elderly and dying survivor community.
“Minister Zappone’s refusal is immoral, repulsive and cold hearted at this time when it is clear that all this refusal does is kick the can down the road while waiting for more and more elderly survivors to die.
“Clearly money means more to Zappone and this Government than any sense of common decency or morality.”
Minister Zappone said there were many barriers to including survivors in the redress scheme, but admitted that cost is a factor.
She said: “In order to potentially open that scheme again, it would not be of benefit I don’t think, to that group of people.
“Because they would have to go through a process of proving abuse in order to access that scheme. We’re talking about children who were usually under two or three years of age.
“That would be extremely difficult, as it was for others who were actually older than that. Why is that the case? Because there are no findings yet of abuse in relation to the investigation.
“Secondly, in terms of the suggestion of opening another redress scheme, in order to do that there’s the same issue of proving abuse.
“The Commission of Investigation has not provided us with any of those findings yet. They will be doing that relatively shortly.
“If they do suggest that there are findings of abuse and make recommendations in terms of redress, then we will deal with that then.”
She added: “It is true that the other redress scheme was extremely costly. The Controller and Auditor General report has come out recently and has said to Government and all elected officials, that if you were to design a new redress scheme you have to do it in a different way.
“One in relation to cost, that whatever it costs the state, that it largely goes to survivors. If there are various bodies responsible other than the State, it’s important to ensure that whoever is liable and responsible shares the cost.”