Historic Sexual Assault Charges against Former Calgary Pastor Thrown out

By Global News
Heide Pearson
April 11, 2017

Charges have been stayed against a former Calgary pastor who was accused of historic sexual assault.

Outstanding charges against Wagdi Iskander have been thrown out “because the prosecutions against him were an abuse of process,” according to a release from Ruttan Bates Barristers and Solicitors.

Iskander was originally charged in 2015 with sexual assault and sexual interference with a child under the age of 14, after an investigation into assaults against a minor.

The alleged victim of the assaults told police the assaults happened during counselling sessions between 1994 and 1996.

The decision from Judge Harry Van Harten came after four days of evidence presented from multiple witnesses, the release states.

The law firm said Iskander maintained his innocence throughout the entire process, and that police conduct in the case “has been found to be an abuse of process,” which resulted in the charges being dropped.

A written decision further explaining the judge’s decision is expected.








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