Complaint alleges priest raped altar boy in late '70s
By Mindy Aguon
Guam Daily Post
April 11, 2017
CHANCERY OFFICE: The Archdiocese of Agana's Chancery Office in Agana Heights is pictured on Feb. 14. |
A former priest "seized" upon every opportunity to molest and sexually abuse young boys when he served in Guam, said a new civil lawsuit filed in the District Court of Guam Tuesday against the Archdiocese of Agana, the Boy Scouts of America and Louis Brouillard.
The lawsuit, filed by an individual using the initials "P.J.M.S.," alleges Brouillard raped and sexually abused him when he was 11, and serving as an altar boy at San Vicente Ferrer-San Roke Church in Barrigada. At the time, the plaintiff was also a Boy Scout with the Barrigada troop.
The victim, now 48, recalled the abuse in the lawsuit, alleging the abuse happened between 1978 and 1980 on the parish grounds and at Boy Scout outings.
The lawsuit alleges Brouillard would swim naked and order young boys to do the same, while groping and touching their private parts under the guise of teaching the boys to swim.
P.J.M.S. said Brouillard would grope the boys before Mass while they changed into their cassocks and sexually molest and abuse the boys "one-by-one" while they watched television on the bed in Brouillard's room at the parish rectory. Court documents state Brouillard would then force the 11-year-old to perform sexual acts on him.
The boys would be rewarded and taken out to eat as part of the priest's "ongoing grooming campaign" as a sexual abuser of minors, the lawsuit states.
P.J.M.S. also alleged that, one night while sleeping at the rectory to get up early to prepare for Mass, Brouillard raped him and he begged him to stop, but the priest told him to "keep calm, don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you," court documents state.
The civil complaint seeks $10 million in damages, and accuses the archdiocese and the Boy Scouts of America of knowing about Brouillard's sexually abusive practices, but remaining quiet.
The lawsuit alleges that the sexually abusive practices arising from the relationship between the Boy Scouts of America, the Aloha Council and the Agana Archdiocese were another extension of the "internal culture of sexual corruption and abuse that characterized the Agana Archdiocese in Guam."